If what you say is true, it could have *dire* implications for the universe as a whole. Because I see a LOT of Altimas driving *terribly* every single day.
If what you say is true, it could have *dire* implications for the universe as a whole. Because I see a LOT of Altimas driving *terribly* every single day.
Elon, despite being rich and running what is arguably the most spotlighted EV brand to date, has remained relatively an unknown to the majority of Americans. Sure they may know the name, but they don’t know about him. America is about to get a masterclass in the Dunning-Kerr effect as Donald Trump parades this moron…
You have a good point, but you have to remember than when an Altima crashes, the dimension in Hell from which they sprang is opened, and the wreck is sucked back home, so there’s less evidence?
That’s a lot, considering there aren’t that many car companies and most have more pragmatic names, like being named after a person, place, or having a generic name that’s some derivation of “car builder”.
“just enough to be dangerous”.
Here’s a decent list of cars with celestial bodies in their names:
As a guess...
Agree, this is why the department of education needs to be ovehauled. Those vids are 20 degrees at best.
Doesn’t look close to anything like 45 degrees to me. I’ve grown up sailing and raced on all different kinds/sizes of sailboats. I’m sure it was terrifying, but you aren’t just walking around on a boat that’s heeled over at 45 degrees.
Wow, that Bear seems to open car doors as well as a human with opposable thumbs.
Still better than when I dressed a bear in a man costume to commit all those white collar crimes.
But it would be hilarious to watch them bicker if the fate of the county didn’t hang in the balance
Seems like they should at least use the same container format used in every other form of freight transport.
It hopefully won’t be permanent. I’m thinking of it as a “gap administration.” I don’t want to live through all the stupid that’s about to happen. And I don’t have to.
Well, we RE-elected a man who’s clearly and repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to cheat, steal, and defraud absolutely everyone he can to enrich himself. And in the interim, he has started a number of shady business ventures (crypto, social media, NFTs, and the like) which he will now be in the position to regulat…
Oh my...you’re about to see outright theft to a magnitude that would make even the best despots blush. Stopping SS payments will merely be a drop in the bucket when it comes to stealing gov’t assets and reassigning the assets to the top 0.01%.
How can you cut Social Security? It’s a system we’ve all paid into. It’s solvent. It’s not a f******g “entitlement”.
To cut the program is theft, pure and simple.
I cannot begin to wrap my head around the beyond fucked up situation we are in. This is going to be a nightmare. The Goebbels wannabe, stephen miller, is already tweeting about quickly implementing parts of 2025- you know- that thing trump had never heard of- in the name of an aggressive denaturalization process. Yes.…
Yeah, the typo amused me too. :-)