
He’s got a completely different appreciation for cars than Jeremy though. He was just on TST podcast and talked about how yeah he has a Ferrari and some older cars but almost never drives them, he’s more about how they look. And his real appreciation is for basic transportation which is still VERY available in Europe,

This is exactly why allowing this kind of incremental self-driving should be illegal. There are too many people that are far too dumb to to be trusted with this.

*laughs in Hilux*

remember when russia first invaded ukraine and they realized that a failure to do basic maintenance resulted in the tires of all their vehicles to be completely rotted out and thus unable to traverse anything other than a paved road and the highways into Kyiv became a killing field?

Hilariously, it’s now called “Full Self-Driving (Supervised)“ so somebody made them add that, but it’s almost like seeing “Full Self-Driving (But not really)“ in the parenthetical.

All that awesomeness comes with a weight penalty, sadly. 

I’ve seen both the LS400 and the Ludacris supra in person. The LS400 girl works or worked at a local oreilly’s and I saw her go to AAA with that lexus when I went there to do a title thing. I also helped to rent out a friend’s car one time a few years ago to some movie cars place in Glendale and they were nice enough


I was getting nervous.  The slideshow as getting reeealll close to the end before I saw The Eliminator.

Wouldn’t the title track be Kenny Loggin’s “Footloose”?  You want to talk about soundtracks that dude dominated soundtracks- Caddyshack, Top Gun, Over the Top, One Fine Day, etc.

Bonnie Tyler’s work as a whole is amazing. Fun fact “holding out for a hero” was originally written for Footloose (1984) after Paramount asked her to write a song for the movie. It was later used it in Short Circuit 2 (1988).


“Here I am, we’re leading, we’re leading in the polls, we’re leading by a lot. We’re leading by a lot. They said, ‘Oh, we don’t have to worry about him.’ Oh no, they have to worry about me. Boy they don’t like me. You know they used to like Obama. They used to like, they like Biden, you know why? They got away with

He’s one stupid mother fucker.  

My wife has run it a few times, and we used to live in Hopkinton. I approve of the color scheme for jackets, tattoos (not yet, but she’s window shopping) and t-shirts, but unless you start incorporating some unicorn stitching, it’s not floating my boat as a car interior.

As someone who’s run the Boston Marathon, I’m already rocking this color scheme in a few shirts!

Now, it’s emerged that co-founder and pilot Stockton Rush reportedly crashed the craft just days before its doomed dive.”

My guess is that the group of people were laughing because Musk likes to surround himself with “yes” people who will also laugh at his inappropriate and unfunny jokes.