Perhaps on his way there, he can drop in on the House of Saud and talk to them about what happened to all that cash he borrowed to buy Twitter. I’m sure they won’t have any sharp or pointed comments about getting their money back.
Perhaps on his way there, he can drop in on the House of Saud and talk to them about what happened to all that cash he borrowed to buy Twitter. I’m sure they won’t have any sharp or pointed comments about getting their money back.
When it isn’t your peoples slaughtered, your cities remain unrazed, and your economy is the one flushed with cash by the conflict, it is easier to be sanguine perhaps.
I’ve said this from the beginning. Electing Trump and by proxy Elon, is the result of Americans getting a little too comfortable with our own privilege. Our hubris that we will never be dethroned as the leaders of the “free” world and that the way of life in America is a permanent “assumed” state is how we got here. …
I’ve had a Samsung laser printer, it was ok. My daughter has a Canon printer, I haven’t had issues, but I’ve only used it twice. We have three HP printers, an OfficeJet Pro 8710 that is amazing (there than it doesn’t feed cardstock). An OfficeJet Pro 6968 that won’t print cyan. And a DeskJet 4100 that totally sucks…
Don’t even get me started on Canon drivers for Linux...
God damnit. In my defense, I was blinded by rage.
Gawd... the Canon printer drivers in my current printer has me seriously thinking of just using an online service from now on.
I hate HP desktop printers and the never to be sufficiently damned HP Smart app with the fury of a thousand burning suns. Fortunately the users have been buying Brother and Epson and the big iron is mostly Ricoh and Kyocera.
Mike Judge must be super proud of his little documentary.
I’m with you on Cannon. I should be able to turn the printer on, wake up my laptop, and scan or print from anywhere with connectivity to my home Wifi. More than half the time, I get stuck in a do-loop of turning wifi off and on on my laptop, and rebooting the laptop and printer until they connect.
A simple text search for a simpleton. We all know he didn’t do the search, and I don’t doubt that his staff has learned that he doesn’t want all that data stuff ...
Details and context are just as woke as facts now, Swib
Yeah, if we could all go ahead and stop referencing the eugenics movie, that would be great.
So, his proof that 20% of NSF’s spending is woke is based on a simple text search? Was there any effort to even review the line items flagged by such a simplistic identification process?
I was going to say the same thing. You can’t gerrymander votes for the Senate.
“And yet, Texas is still so gerrymandered, even voting harder probably won’t be enough to get him out of office.”
You know how society advances? By learning more and becoming more knowledgeable as a group. The problem the far-right have with that is that the better educated the masses are, the less malleable they become.
I love it when people discover the Imperator. I was a teenager when it was released in 1984. I loved its Buck Rogers looks then, and I love it today.
You obviously haven’t ever had to use a Xerox printer. (full disclosure, I’m a former Xerox repairman)
asking the real questions. But cmon we all know its HP.