Nice, I assumed they'd weasel out of it by claiming that 'pull' is not synonymous with 'move' because you can pull on something and not move it but using infinities to try to prove their claims is more elegant.
Nice, I assumed they'd weasel out of it by claiming that 'pull' is not synonymous with 'move' because you can pull on something and not move it but using infinities to try to prove their claims is more elegant.
Oh god ... if you were greeted by that hideous mug, you’d turn around. That would put that WalMart out of business!
Unfortunately, such a thing has never happened before, so it’s impossible to predict. Could be anyone, really.
Exploding vibrators! My wife is scared to open her nightstand!
I mean, he’s already telling people he plans to crash the economy when he guts the federal government like a private equity CEO who just acquired a media company from Univision.
If the device ignited on a flight over the Atlantic Ocean, the plane would likely crash.
Exhibit A for the motion to hold him in contempt.
Hey look, photographic evidence!
Made me think of Battlefield Earth where the aliens needed gold. In the end the main bad guy was locked up in the reserve or Ft. Knox surrounded by tons of gold he wanted but could never touch or use.
I’d say he should be in prison but that would definitely be cruel and unusual punishment... to the other inmates.
“lock him up in the federal reserve and throw away the key”
I would like to share your optimism but men tend to vote in person if we are playing the gender statistic. (The Selzer poll from the weekend had a serious weakness in not delineating the 9% “Undecided”. But also assuming men and all those women are single subject voters has been the problem in the past.)
I saw the phrase “nauseously optimistic” yesterday, and I think it’s a perfect summation of where we’re at.
I agree with most of this except the “Tesla will be fine” part. Musk seems intent on destroying it all by himself, with or without outside influence. I suppose he can run it as a “passion project” with his own (and/or suckers’) money for a while, even if the company is doing almost nothing of value at this point, but…
Trump says it’s his vote to lose, but that’s only if enough D’s stay home and not vote like they did in ‘16.
I applaud but dont share your confidence. I remember thinking what a blowout it would be in ‘16. And how matter-of-fact it would be in ‘20. So now....I’m hoping logic/reason prevails, but no confidence that the bubbas and neckbeards will skip the vote to get their meth fix.
First of all, its not a “coin toss” and has not been for some time. Early voting with the huge numbers of women voting shows that in the end, ending abortion rightsis not at all popular with women.
That and a shit ton of people don’t actually pay attention to any of this until the very end. And trump tripped over his…
...driven to neighbourhoods to carry out door-knocking expeditions in the back of a U-Haul van without seat beats....
The younger the person the less likely they are to have a driver license. 30 years ago when I graduated high school I only knew one person without a DL. My GFs daughter graduated this year, of her friend group of 20+ only one had their DL.