
The founder of Buick himself had a similar trajectory. David Dunbar Buick, who was Scotch, not French, was ousted from the Buick Motor Company in 1906, receiving a single share worth $100,000 at the time (equivalent to roughly $3.4MM today), by William C. Durant himself. Contemporary sources paint him as every bit the

had more fingers in more transportation pies than a hundred grandmas could bake.


Durant said “This will be bowling without beer and it’s going to be done.” He believe bowling was a family friendly activity, not just for men.

I’ve been on 3 pre covid, I remember having a great time every time, didn’t get sick, met a couple shawties, life was good for that week =)

Yeah, how is this MORE seafront property?

Wait....sea level rise provides more seafront property?? I guess if you’re a fish or dolphin or zebra mussel....

I had the experience of driving a rental Tesla Y recently. Some things were done really well, but other things were done so poorly so as to overwhelmingly cancel out any positives.

Creepy. I’ll be taking that same route at nearly the same time in a couple days. Hope it’s not the same plane.

LOL. Daylight Savings is only two weeks away, my friend..

Gotta get up pretty damn early in the morning to beat me to the punch, my man

So two kids, probably both under 5, just lost their mother and grandmother? Urf. 

It isn’t. It’s a not-at-all-veiled incitement to not vote for the guy. 

Same scrutiny Snowden went through. A vastly under-reported story was the way Booz Allen Hamilton rubber stamped hundreds of thousands of “background checks” that allowed very unstable & unqualified people security clearances during the first decade of the War on Terror.

People, when the engineers tell you, “This thing will not work, and I’m not getting in it,” listen to them.

Well, that’s the first time Nissan balked at sending out a poorly engineered product! (I’m not letting spelling get in the way of this joke.)

Well just a single point of reference, where I live in Texas, I have seen a total of two Cybertrucks, but I have seen 3 different Ford Lightnings, 2 different Rivians, and one of the Chevy EV truck don’t know the model name. Cybertrucks are selling because it’s currently the “new hotness” as far as doing actual truck

They’re goofy looking, but honestly pretty endearing, and being purpose-built whilst also increasing safety and comfort is a huge win. 

I don’t always hide in ponds, but when I do, I hide for insane reasons.