
Take your star you glorious, well traveled bastard.

I love that show

You misspelled Adderall. No one who is as frantically and terminally online and elsewhere as he is taking sedatives. His wild mood swings, zero patience, and general pissy-bitchness are classic amphetamine.

Tesla is a competent car company that was purchased by a ketamine addicted .com billionaire who then turned it into his personal toy.

“Can find a bettervan”

5:09 - what all car-based telephony should look like.

Fun fact: Eastern Air Express is a division of the reanimated corpse of Eastern Airlines.

That’s an easy mistake for pilots NOT to make. When you fly in or out there, you are fully aware that you are literally in some crosshairs and there’s no room for screwups.

In Vancouver BC - I actually have seen quite a few VinFasts. No idea why though - they cost as much as the competition. On the road they tend to blend with all the other generic SUVs until you see the weird headlights.

Meanwhile, Ford, GM, and the corpse of Chrysler are doing nothing about this, other than cranking out more overpriced ICE giant trucks, and will come crying to the government for bailouts when they can’t compete against Korea, Chinese, and Vietnamese manufacturers who offer basic electric cars that people can actually

Haven’t seen a single VinFast anywhere yet, yesterday saw the first Fisker Ocean I’ve seen locally, had seen in another area travelling but none at home. At least 5 distinct Cybertrucks around based on sighting times and two unique wraps, would rather see a VinFast.

make a lucid with cloth seats on 18s stripped of all its self driving nonsense because i will not be using them and thatll probably knock it down to 50k. there are a lot of other people who dont want the self driving bits especially if they knew how much those sensors added to the cost. but the air is such a damn good

I’ll give you $10, final offer.

Has anyone actually SEEN a VinFast in the wild?

Only private equity could figure out a way to burn through capital faster than if they treated Bugattis the way Top Gear treated Hiluxes

Still a tough sell, to be honest.  

Can’t you already buy a used Vinfast SUV for like $12? 

It’s probably not Hoonigan itself as we knew it, but the former Wheelpros parent company (they changed their name to Hoonigan) that has all the debt. There’s no way a small automotive lifestyle brand operating out of a single warehouse selling t-shirts and keychains could rack up that much debt.