
I would make an Elon joke, but I'm not sure he's capable of it anymore

Now above

They should do a new one that looks like Ratatouille 

I’m sorry.  I’ll pour one out for your lost eyeballs.

At least the Ocean had cool features and looks nice.  The VinFast is a terrible vehicle from every single aspect.

I was going to ask why Elon has to be part of every CT made, he is after all, a big ass-wiper.

I was going to post this:

They should have know the about the problem with the ass wipe, he owns the company.

In this truck’s defense, lots of things might appear shorter than advertised, but the key is knowing where to measure from. I’d think many Cybertruck owners know what I’m getting at.

There’s quite the difference between “big-ass wiper” and “big ass-wiper.”

Username-comment synergy.

Form before function is the design edict for this vehicle.  OAN, I got to sit in one recently and was struck by just how bargain basement the interior felt.  All the money seemed to be in the screen.  Everything else was like rental car spec.

My first reaction as well. (I got flamed for it, because people can’t understand the word “seemed” in today’s world and I got tons of e-mails with measurements down to the micron showing it isn’t that big).

Maybe you are making a joke, but the Armand Hammer he is named after made his money in oil. He did buy some stock in Arm & Hammer as a joke, but the name is completely coincidental.

Every angle - dumpster.

One does not buy a Cybertruck for truck things. In the same way that one did not buy a Ford Explorer Sport Trac or a Subaru Baja for truck things.

But more importantly, we learned today that the Infiniti J30 is a better truck than the Cybertruck.

Everything Tesla says is a lie. Everything its CEO says is a lie. And the shareholders just voted to give him the biggest payday in history, so that company deserves to collapse and be ground into dust.

Lets just say it once and for all, the Cybertruck is just an accessory for “tools”.

Just tell Donald Trump we can use it to kill sharks and he’ll enthusiastically endorse it. They’ll fall in line.