You monster, take your star.
You monster, take your star.
He should star in a Western romance, in which he plays a member of the Pony Express who wants to marry his childhood sweetheart, and has to ride Miles to Teller.
Detective Slow
Missed Oppenheimertunity not having him play Edward Teller.
Oh, great, the release cable can only be expected to work once. As if you have a problem with the cable/plug, it will only happen once.
You sure about that? Trump's asshole is nowhere in the picture.
I like how we can just see the tip of Steve Bannon’s nose in this 2017 photo.
“On one hand, I don’t know what that would look like without Conan bouncing off him at high speed.”
I always find stuff like this and unaired pilots fascinating. It’s interesting to see what worked and what didn’t and if there was any way to fix what didn’t work.
They should just do an entire show where there’s an internal monologue for a bunch of kids going through puberty. I’m imagining a great Nick Kroll vehicle.
::touches ear::
I’m being told seven seasons of this show and a two-season spin-off already exist.
i miss the good ole days when the most important topics to A.V. Club were (a) Bronson Pinchot and (b) you guessed it... Frank Stallone.
Yeah but can I have my choice to romance school girls or cougar doctors?
John Oliver’s tale of bombing in Edinburgh had me crying.
Nice guys 2 set in like 1992 and they are both 10 years older! I would love it.
i hope he just keeps making random exorcism movies ever year
My feeling has been for a long time that audiences are extremely smart, and executives have started to believe that they’re not. Audiences will always be able to sniff out bullsh*t. Even if films start to be made with AI, humans aren’t going to f*cking want to see those.”
I like middle aged, don’t give a fuck, nothing left to prove so let’s take jobs for the fun and the money Russell Crowe. Much better than the angsty early version.
Hoping for The Nice Guys 2.
I don’t see how they didn’t just shut this show down after Conan’s appearance. There’s nothing greater to be done with the format than what he did.
I guess he won’t be coming onto the show then.
Tuesday, suprisingly not a Wednesday prequel...