
Not a damn thing.

Ask him why people never get spacial disorientation when they fly simulator aircraft. People use more than just their eyes to drive.

BobHAL Oh my god..Dave.. I , Cant do that”

It’s a fine long term goal, but the image processing just isn’t there yet to do this reliably. Not to mention relying on only vision has gotten us humans in trouble (motorcycles during dusk/dawn, anyone?). Autonomy should strive to be better than humans and that encourages using added sensors to perceive things we

Even by his usual standards that’s a particularly stupid argument.

This just reinforces my desire to have a version of 2001: A Space Odyssey reissued with Benjamin dubbing the voice of HAL. (Yes, this is inspired by him doing it for a clip that went viral like a decade ago.)

Thank goodness eyes and cameras aren't susceptible to optical illusions.

His argument last night was that the only sensors humans have to help them drive are their eyes, so Tesla only using cameras is obviously the correct move. And with logic that sound, who could argue?

>Autonomy using VIS cameras only

I agree, it’s fantastic watching Vinnie Jones, because he’s playing a different sort of character here - he’s not quite the ‘ard man, he’s more quiet, reserved, loyal, and capable.

It’s not that hard. The speed is no farther from the windshield than it is looking at gauges through the steering wheel. The heat map is huge and you don’t have to look at it to see what’s going on. Lap timer is right up top. All the text is huge. It’s easier for me to read than Track Addict on my phone mounted to the

The old pitch of owner-run robotaxis is back. The fleet will be managed by Tesla, but owners will be able to “rent out” their car, with controls over who gets to access it.

Auto pilot is garbage. Once you learn where stuff is, it doesn’t take much time to find it. Some important stuff can be brought right up to the surface through customization, once you figure it out. My Model 3 is the most amazing daily I could imagine for the money, and I’m definitely not a fan boy.

Autopilot does not care about lights, FSD Supervised does. If you rented through a normal rental company the cars do not have FSD Supervised. 

I drove a 2023 and it needed a software update to enable cruise/“Autopilot”...! I also did not care for the screen position and total lack of basic line-of-sight gauge info like speed, turn signals, range, etc. There were some interesting features but overall I was not a fan of the overall experience.

Musk thinks he’s Tony Stark.

I rented a Model 3 over Christmas 2022, it was terrible, absolutely terrible. The auto pilot was frequently confused about what to do, once giving up when the light turned yellow while we were still in the middle of an intersection and once tried to drive us right into a crash barrier at an exit ramp. The display was

I saw a news magazine show about a guy like that. Nobody believed the poor guy wasn’t a degenerate alcoholic. He got a DUI and they kept grilling him about how he was sneaking booze into his hospital room and then jail. His wife almost left him for the drinking and the lying. And he had no idea how alcohol was getting

That’s terrible.

His condition makes him literally a Belgian Ail.