
Well this tread will soon wear thin.

That’s a wheely bad pun...

They’re getting pretty Falken dumb.

I reread the Fantastic Four 196-200 recently. Doom’s plan was to kidnap Alicia Masters because she alone could sculpt his face without gazing on his terrible visage. I’m thinking “Whose face is she sculpting for the world to see?” The plan didn’t make any sense. I’m ok with that Doom.

That joke may have landed well but don’t let it inflate your ego.

They only re-tire if they’ve had a Goodyear. All those Continental flights, all Coop(er)ed up in the wheel well..... 

need to curb the use of puns, its tire-ing. 

But she keeps saying she’s the rEaL ViCtim in da CultURe WARz!! Isn’t she about to go to jail for her noble views about not shutting up about things that are not effecting her in anyway? That’s sarcasm, btw. 

Yes please!

Can we also re-mention how stupid it is to call an EV a “Turbo” model?

I love it when athletes try to act. I know a lot of people love Space Jam, but Michael Jordan’s performance is so laughably bad. I’m sure there are good athletic actors but I can’t think of any.

Wait, Terry Crews. Nailed it. 

That’s still better than “edgelord hacker who gloms on to Reed’s science project for ill-defined reasons”.

Inhumans was an awful show; I didn’t even get through it all. That said, it’s the only complete failure of a show or movie from the MCU that I can think of. Mileages vary of course.

Even if they’d have traveled here from 2022 without this issue, they’d still be better off.

Damn it!  Don’t give them any dumb ideas!  This sounds like something they would do.

Stop trying to make Turner D. Century happen.

I know people have been itching for a Marvel flop, but I’ve always asked, “What would that even look like?” Unlike DC, Marvel has never hedged their bets on just one project. Didn’t like that? Well, maybe you’ll like the next thing we have coming out in a few months.

It’s already started with Deadpool & Wolverine. Don’

please don’t update his origin with nonsense

Should be Zod. World is primed for more Zod. ZOD!