

That last picture really sells it. These things might not literally turn orange in 6 months, but there is clearly already texture issues that normally don’t arise on normal cars until at least a decade of mother nature pounding on it.

Orange stain? Sounds like the new “presidential model.”

not arguing that he shouldn’t touch a weapon again. guy clearly had undiagnosed mental issues and i’m managing to have some sympathy for him, while you clearly cannot.  you’re a real hardass!

1) Then Florida police needs to update their hiring standards and perform psych evals on every candidate to make sure that any undiagnosed PTSD cases don’t endanger the public they are supposed to protect.
2) As someone else said, the officers searched, cuffed, and placed the suspect in the vehicle. If he had reason

how does any rational, intelligent, compassionate human being watch this video and not see a mental breakdown due to some obvious past trauma?

I actually just read about this, early today. I think two things were involved here, neither of which were mentioned in this article:

They should wait a long time for him to come back. It would undermine the current actor if Tennant was constantly popping back in. Let the new team get established without him.

Jokes on you I’m a colonoscopist !

TV movie. You’d go into that with extremely low expectations.

Or Big or Tray....

Ah, you young people... You probably don’t remember, but once there was a thing called “Superman IV: The Quest for Peace”. I actually paid to watch that in a theater, at Christmas Day no less...

The Matrix Re-Re-Disposed:  For some reason, the Matrix is rebooted in Looney Tunes animation style, and Neo has to keep fighting Gossamer over and over again.

The Matrix Renovations: Following a couple of first-time buyers as they turn the post-Revolutions wreckage of Zion into their dream home. But will it be ready in time to be their wedding venue?

I’m starting to think cancelling shows and movies is the only way Zaslav can get aroused anymore.

The Matrix Rumspringa: a bunch of teenagers get kicked out of The Matrix to decided whether they want to keep living in the real world, or go back to the Matrix.

The Matrix Ruh-Roh: A crossover with Scooby-Doo.

Why? Surely not because...oh dear...

Ewok mob!