
And like, how jiggly is The Last of Us going to be? Because the trailers suggest the answer is not very.  And that’s where DOA: Dead or Alive really shines.

I had to drive one of those because the rental car company said they were out of the car I reserved, and they “upgraded” me. What a gawdawful vehicle that is. I returned it the next day because it literally wouldn’t fit in the garage of my rental home.

Now playing

Damn, I miss a new Venture Bros season coming out every 5.25 yrs.

Takeshi Miike's Dead or Alive (no relation to the video game) has the greatest start and end to any movie ever made.

It has to be deliberately ugly. Nobody could design such a travesty by accident.

Infinity QX80. Every time I see one I think “But why though?”. Nothing has changed on this aging dinosaur since 2011 other than the price.

Better than DOA: Dead or Alive?  I refuse to believe that.

You’re not ghosts! You’re the fucking Boys from Brazil!’ gets me every time

The turducken drive system we have all been waiting for.

Mazda should add a battery-powered motor to turn the engine to turn the generator to charge the batteries!

On the other hand, we watched the original Conan The Barbarian this weekend, and man that movie just absolutely flies by. It packs so much story and character into 2 hours and it doesn’t drag for a second. It just immediately brings to mind all the overlong CGI fight scenes in MCU movies (and presumably Avatar, though

My extremely normie grandmother-in-law went to see Avatar 2 at an opening-morning matinee. Gotta be doing something right!

Oh no, 3 movies a year! That is, like, not even a full month in the year! Gimme a break.

It’s absolutely not an MCU vs Avatar divide. Most people who complain of superhero fatigue or ‘formulaic quip vehicles’ also have a problem with Avatar. In truth, most adults seem to generally resent anything with mass appeal, at least publicly. Anything that gains a huge amount of traction in a relatively short time

I actually though the things with the warriors vs shaman actually made some sense. There is a bit of a delineation that runs through the whole story and core to the narrative that there is a difference between a soldier and a warrior and at the start he’s a soldier. That might seem a slightly academic difference, but

Honestly, it feels like most of the conflict with Avatar is between MCU stans (or blogs with heavy MCU readership) anyway. I don’t really see people who aren’t steeped in MCU stuff ragging on Avatar for the most part. Those people are closer to “the general audience” and don’t give a flip.

Honestly, I find the way some treats Avatar vs Marvel movies to be extremely revealing. You don’t see Scorsese going on about how Avatar is a theme park ride rather than real cinema. You don’t see critics making very bad faith sinister interpretation of Avatar as branwashing vehicles for Disney like you can see with

Pretty sure that’s just Nic Cage going method for the role.

I am sick and goddang tired of people posturing about politics with this tired ass “all politicians are bad” stance.