
as the son of a man who ran himself over with a tractor when he was 9 years old, I sympathize.  He hit something when he was helping my grandfather and flew over the front of the tractor and it rolled on top of him.  Fortunately the ground was pretty soft and he escaped with just some bruises.

The show needed to die, but I do feel for him. He seems like a decent guy. He can’t really catch a break. Underused in X-Men, Superman Returns didn’t pan out. 30 Rock and Westworld were probably his only full arcs I can think of.

Oof. Just heard he was run over. Happened to a friend of mine about seven years ago, but an industrial forklift, not a snowcat. Took him a year in the hospital to recover and years of PT. Renner’s lucky, in a way, that it was a snowcat because those mostly use treads and spread the weight out better than wheels. A

I thought the Mo Farah sign was pretending you didn’t know what that cream that was just rubbed on your leg was.

He had a hilarious role in Logan Lucky, but it was post-Bond, so it doesn´t count. 

Quite so, m' Lud.. The defence rests.


Hell the majority of the humans in MN can’t drive in the weather we had today.  (Also in MN)  

How the fuck is tesla legally allowed to call it “ Full Self Driving “ when it is provably not ??? 

To be fair, people are also pretty bad at driving when the weather is not good.

He’s fleeing the interview!

You betcha

/reads comment in the Fargo accent

Oh, come on! I find it hard to believe something that can’t drive well when the weather is good would also be unable to drive well when it’s bad!

Here was my view while going to lunch today. I can see autonomous tech making big strides in warm climates over the next decade, but here in MN, it’s going to take a minute.

Obviously Waymo and Cruise are in San Francisco and Phoenix for a reason, it would be interesting to see how they handle the same weather conditions.

Trading the MCU for the ICU? Bad choice!

Relax, folks. That wasn’t blood. It was Jeremy Renner’s hot sauce.

We actually had a class on the importance of bathing regularly.

“Using hot or warm water and moving the razor across the skin of the face in an up and down motion.”