Okay. But, what *kind* of hot dog?
Okay. But, what *kind* of hot dog?
I’m with you, dude had the get rich/famous quick mentality that does not gel in any way with a real life corporate job. A job which is, surprise, not glamorous in the least. Where if you do it right, no one will ever notice you were doing it at all. If people like him ran the world, nothing would get done.
I still…
A lot of stans don’t seem to understand that like at all. But again, it really shouldn’t surprising: Elon Musk is what dumb people think a genius is.
What’d you expect? The guy to actually admit he was over his head? Humility in tech culture? That ain’t it.
These are the rockstars that roll in, make changes, claim everything is amazing, and bounce (from company or project). Then it gets deployed and they can yell, “Worked when I left!”
He’s playing both sides, it’s genius actually.
He explained to some Twitter users that the reason he quit was because he “expected the environment of a startup and found something very different.”
I mean you’ve sort of got him pegged. I’d contrast this with John Carmack who left Meta after 3+ years because he just couldn’t get anything optimized.
“expected the environment of a startup and found something very different.”
People act like companies can be “50 people” all the time because frankly they’re idiots. A startup can be 50 to 15 people no problem.
Admiring Elmo never seems to survive actual contact with Elmo. I guess he has to say nice things on the way out, but bailing after only a month tells you the truth.
Guarantee he complimented Elon’s “management skills” as being far beyond his own, just so he didn’t get banned from the platform for hurting Musk’s feelings.
Surprise, surprise. Sadly he didn’t even manage to learn enough to change his mind about twitter only needing to be “50 people”.
Twitter probably can’t get down to less than 50 LAWYERS, much less 50 employees. Even the idea of only 50 engineers is patently ridiculous. You’re going to need that many people to just…
He went off on Elon in spaces, it was really embarrising for Elon, he’s completly in over his head.
Think many are insecure deep down and know Twitter actually could be 50 people, just not overnight, but in a year or two.
““done a phenomenal job” with the social media company thus far”
Uh what? It’s amazing how greed for money makes people say stupid things.
If I wasn’t busy with my real, actual work, I would dip back into that first article announcing George was going over there just to re-read all the dick-riding comments about how this galaxy-brain genius was going to move mountains, just to taste how poorly they aged.
There’s a huge difference between trying to find vulnerabilities in firmware and optimizing a DB script to run .00001 seconds faster. No idea what the guy expected he’d be able to add besides sucking off daddy Elon.
He criticizes and licks Elon’s boots in one breath.
Hotz also said he started reading Twitter’s code and determined “this ain’t it.”