
Garth is in fighting shape for it, having finally finished his epic TERRORTOME. Check out the audiobook, folks!

Is there an auto manufacturer around today who hasn’t flopped on one or many of its cars, multiple times, or even for full decades in their histories? If this startup VinFast (which sounds like a feature on a DMV website) expects to hit one out of the park on its first try ... well, let’s just say I don’t want to be

Saw a VinFast in Ann Arbor a few weeks ago sporting an M plate. May have been endurance testing,  which is common,  or may have been there because that's where the EPA fuel economy testing takes place. 

These vehicles might have issues but no yoke steering wheel.

LOVE it! Many stars for you.

Vingroup has businesses all over Vietnam. You might buy groceries at VinMart and clothing at VinPlaza.

This is a pretty fascinating write-up. I’ve been to Vietnam several times, and one thing that constantly struck me was how friendly, open, and accommodating the people were. Sometime that accommodation jumped over into more of a desire to impress and dump only the most premium experiences on me. Every luxury resort

The biggest sin of that movie is not that it was bad-it was just boring. A few of the post Judgement Day movies have been rough, but they at least had entertaining parts. Dark Fate was just dull.

absolutely hated that fucking movie, but i love that we officially have a trilogy of failed trilogy starters. that ain’t nothing.

iStock is Getty... Getty is iStock!

> Be me
> World’s most prolific digital artist
> Put up website with all my work
> Can’t wait to get recognition I deserve
> MFW everyone assumes it’s a stock image site
> MFW people in my design class talk about how “Getty isn’t as good as iStock”

Never follow your dreams, anons

And now you can buy Immer-Shin-RA-Guards for only 45,000 Gil

To this day, art historians are still baffled. Who was this “Getty” and how did they manage to create so many images?

The dead speak!

Somehow, Quatrich has returned.

Today I learned that there are novelized versions of Valerian and the Something Something Planets and XXX: The Return of Vin Diesel guy, both from 2017. 

I want to read the novelization! Are those still a thing? They used to be big in the 1970s-1980s as often the only way to “see” a movie that wasn’t in theaters was to read the book based on the screenplay.

I want to watch the motion comic version which is just jpgs from the movie with text bubbles superimposed over it. 

Why not wait until someone’s made a bootleg Game Boy Advanced cartridge with a compressed version in glorious 240x160 resolution!

I think you misunderstand Cameron’s style. It’s more 1980s Trapper-Keeper art than 1970s van art.