
Just so long as we still can’t hear any dialogue in his film.

I can’t even imagine having to go through the “paper” trail.

That'd make sense if he wasn't the only dead James Bond to exist.

It’s a terrible system. One of the worst jobs I had was monitoring alcohol offenders BEFORE their court dates. It was soul crushing, especially when people would beg and plead they were innocent, and they didn’t have the money for fees/ignition interlock etc, only to eventually show up with a dismissal after a year or

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I had a similar experience recently with watching Home Alone 2... particularly the scene with the bricks hitting the head of one of the bad guys.

I’ve tried to watch them, I really have. But... I know physics and just, yeah.

Can it have a Fast and Furious Setting where it acts like it has shifted in the 32nd gear at 32 mph?

And that’s a big reason why I like him so much :D

They left a man w/ a trach & who has to use a voicebox emplifier to speak in jail for a year. Makes me stabby.


I got a DUI despite passing all the tests except balancing on one leg (previous leg injury) and then failing a drug test for THC. As I am a medical patient I literally always have THC in my body which anyone who knows anything about marijuana knows it doesn’t mean you’ve used the drug even the day you’ve been tested.

I went to college in Fort Collins, its a college town, so they make a LOT of money off of these DUI arrests. The DUI fallout industry (counseling, AA, textbooks, Drug Tests, Charity work, highway cleanup Etc.) are all thriving businesses built around college kids getting DUI’s

I was thinking the journalist, but the statement works either way.

It’s crazy, I got pulled for a DUI once despite not having anything to drink. The cop did not want to hear from me at all, I was cuffed and taken to the hospital straightaway. Had to arrange for a ride home from the police station in the middle of the night and to get back to retrieve my car the next day. I had to pay

My Smartdar has detected a Jalopnik comment thread in need of a real Smart owner. lol

What the fuck are you talking about? You might have a point if Chappelle was at a “Social Justice Warriors of 2022" award ceremony. He wasn’t. This was his crowd of like-minded people. And even they hate Musk. Dork.

They paid for their tickets. They can boo all they want. 

Is Chappelle aware how isolated and sheltered he is at this point? It reminds me of Tracy Jordan trying to be “relatable” on 30 Rock by telling jokes about how people in St. Barts eat their lobster.

I remember when Dave bailed on the Chappelle Show because he didn’t like how all the money impacted the message he was trying to say with the show.

Dave’s medical issues aren’t really relevant to this discussion.