
Which Godzilla remake? The Brian Cranston one? The most recent Godzilla King of the Monsters and Shin-Godzilla were incredible pop corn flicks.

this one just felt like he caught us smoking nolan movies and made us smoke a whole carton of nolan movies to learn our lesson.

So what you basically saying is what I’ve been saying about Nolan for a while now: he makes amazingly well-crafted clockwork puzzle. They are perfectly tuned, impressive little machines. But they are machines: cold, emotionless, and calculated.

I am a dedicated centrist on almost every matter. Which also means almost everyone thinks I’m a dumbass.”

Can we talk about how Matt Lucas looks like a radish that came to life when someone put a pair of enchanted glasses on him?

I thought Matt Lucas slotted in very naturally and he did a good job. It was nice to see that go pretty smoothly.

Putting it in longer form doesn’t actually make it somehow rational. The car was paid for pre-pandemic, any point you make from there doesn’t work.

glad you’re feeling better!

As a rule, you shouldn’t do pushups at a funeral.

The fake numbers and Everlast mouth guard grill make it a surprise that the owner was sufficiently discerning to eschew leopard skin upholstery. 

You have my attention.

I get that the competition is tough, what with the most recent trilogy, Solo, and the three Ewok movies, but it’s literally two hours of unlikable, paper-thin characters acting out a throwaway line from five decades ago.

Nothing a little investigative work couldn’t figure out ... 

I’m so glad we’re getting comfortable admitting Rogue One was a piece of shit, even by latter-day SW standards.

Or, we could avoid judging billions of people based on one person’s opinion, so our present doesn’t have to be shiiiit as well.

I only know her from Nailed It, but gotdamn is she great in it.

What’s the deal with people saying they’re “taking a shit” when they have a bowel movement? It’s more like they’re “giving a shit” to the toilet. Now, one could argue that a person is “leaving a shit,” but that’s only true if the person doesn’t flush.

I mean, if we’re talking Rise of the Skywalker, I get it. They had to fit a TON of unearned character beats in there.

Nothing of intellectual importance to add.... just came here to express my love of Nicole Byer’s work. Her podcasts are a gotdamned delight to listen to, her goofery puts a smile in my heart, and I just plain enjoy her.

This is what I was thinking the whole time. “The guy that founded the Sierra Club wrote the definitive VW repair manual?”