
She should be careful...once Harvey gets the word out about this, she’ll never work in Hollywood again!

Why did you post a picture of Beavis and Butt-head?

Break the sound barrier? Not with that design, it’s not. Tear itself to shreds.

Safe to say Weinstain definitely shouldn’t be giving anything sword-like or otherwise to any women ever again.

You forgot the colon. It’s actually Elizabeth II : by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Queeny Boogaloo 

I thought there was something about waving the magic sword at a plant? Am I in the right legend???

Aw shit . . . that’s wrong, isn’t it?

Does he have to give back that magic sword the strange woman in the pond gave him?

While Andrew seems like he’s probably a creep, she is his mom. I can understand not disowning your son when he’s credibly accused of something horrible; we’re built to love our kids. Even the ones raised by nannies and boarding schools.

What a rare misstep for the British Empire to honor a terrible man.

The Queen then gave the Commander of the Most Excellent Order to Bill & Ted.

Nah, Tidus actually makes sense as the main character of X. The story is about him.

Well we can go further because Crichton ruined it for all of us by misrepresenting the Raptor...what was described in the book and shown in the movies was actually the Deinonychus. Crichton felt the Raptor name was more “dramatic” and used it instead. Raptors were only 2 feet tall.


Tidus is actually genuinely important as an audience-surrogate who doesn’t know about the game’s world. Vaan’s story arc is resolved SUPER early and from that point on he’s about as important as Yuffie and Vincent were in VII. Honestly probably less, the Wutai sidequest is still more than Vaan did in the last 3/4 of

Tidus was also not well liked, but I think was both a) more important to the games story and b) a character that developed into a pretty cool character by the end of the story.

they really didn’t like the main character, Vaan,

No, though Yuna is the “heroine” of X, Tidus was pretty important. 

Tidus is really important to the story though it falls apart without him, you could change the script and have Yuna be far more of a rulebreaker but everyone apart from Tidus conforms to the rules.

I ride hard for the idea that XII would have been a bigger hit had they simply stuck with Basch as the protagonist. I don’t dislike Vaan, I just don’t think an FF game has ever had a “main character” feel so unnecessary to the story.