
As long as they remember to fire 70% of the employees, and then stare uselessly at their hands when the business doesn’t somehow succeed beyond their wildest dreams...

Did you hear about the guy who crashed in one of these? The burns made sense, but nobody could explain the bee stings...

If you choose to ride in that, your time will come...

Now playing

Yeah, the right approach would be the Letterkenny conversations about Los Angeles... except replace “LA” with “AI.”

I watched a couple of Hoovie’s Garage videos and all the titles seem to be something to the effect of “I’M GOING BANKRUPT”.

I don’t know a whole lot about AI, but xAI’s main product is an LLM-powered chatbot, right? Would the knowledge and expertise behind that really transfer over to self-driving?

I got a Lamborghini Egoista to help out on the school run. Small problem though...

The Pacifica is right there, they could create a Ferrari miniv...

What the hell is a Ferrari SUV anyway? What’s next, a Pagani SUV? (Don’t tell me...)

“YES! We made the car invisible!”

Bond villains? I don’t think so, Johnny English seems more appropriate...

It would be weird if Torch *hadn’t* posted an in-depth analysis of this at some point...

Any place they could go I could go better, and some places I could go they couldn’t.

I disagree, but that’s not a big deal. My question is, what sort of a name is R2D2 for a generic, mass-produced robot in the galaxy far, far away?

Apparently it’s a 1920 Dodge with a custom copper body.

I’ve posted this here 3 or 4 times now. But even I don’t know what this actually is.

Oh I’ve heard about that. Freaky...

This old van, it played one
It played unlock with my thumb

When I hear ‘Allure of the Seas’, I think of this:

Broccoli: “I watched him jump in the car and floret!”