
Q. What did the bride and groom say just before their nautical-themed wedding?

Stig? More like Sting

Someone should do a list of printers that instantly make you hate their drivers. (I guess it wouldn’t be car related though.)

Or, you know, the bed. (And forgot to activate ‘Pizza Mode’...)

At the risk of compromising your most apt brevity, I’d suggest a small modification:

I assume this is how new Cybertrucks look on days when Elon does some ‘hands-on’ assembly line management...

They could make it part of Cockney rhyming slang eg. “I don’t give a Cyber”. (Even that sounds stupid though.)

All you can do now is zlither away...

The Indian brand went back to the drawing board for its second attempt

At this point he might as well be stepping out for groceries XD

What, it can’t even flop over and turn grey?

French punk rock? ...oh, Los Angeles. Carry on...

Thanks for the detailed reply. Do you have an aeronautical background?

What I want to know is, why do the bathrooms still have built-in ashtrays?

That show had so much potential before all that Cro-Magg nonsense...

I could go for a burger... a medium-rare beef petty sounds pretty nice.

I can’t stop reading ‘BYD’ as ‘BVD’!

Oh yeah? I’ve got a much simpler question about the Cars universe.

Deep-seated ire”? Clarkson, maybe, but James May seems a lot mellower in his recent travel shows (not to mention his delightfully silly cooking program). I’m very keen to see more of what he’s doing these days.

Hey, no pressure.