
So the Sbarro Autobau has nothing to do with Sbarro the pizza company -- and yet the front of it looks like it was made from six pizza cutters???

the execution was just garish as hell

How’s he going to react when he finds out gunpowder was invented by the Chinese? Does that make his guns ‘woke’? Is he going to have to drown them? (I’d suggest blowing them up but I’m pretty sure the proto-hominids who discovered fire would not have been considered ‘white’.)

It sounds like Elonardo DiCaprio regularly recreates that one scene from Titanic...

Denial is not a river in Egypt or a mountain in Alaska...

Still taking pains to show he’s a deeply unpleasant human being, though.

Get puoɯɯɐH pɹɐɥɔᴉɹ in this!

I bet Kamala Harris was also responsible for this tragedy back in 2005!

Come up with a new name, dammit! Let your new product earn a reputation on its own terms. Otherwise you’ll just diminish the ‘Mustang’ brand’s cachet.

Also, could one’s gas issues be related to oil consumption?

Thank you!

Is there an online version? I’d be interested to see an opinion from a target user.

Can you check and see if Big Wig reviews are also a thing?

I guess there was Norway to keep him out...

“And I said, no.”

Rimac, on the other hand, have pursued two low-volume strategies: building small numbers of exclusive hypercars, and making them really quiet (since they’re all electric).

Does anyone know who owned the helicopter, and was responsible for its maintenance?

Someone on my street just got one. (Parked next to two Mazda rotaries, of all things...)

“No, Mr President, that was a ceiling fan.”

Other near-death experiences Trump definitely lived through: