
What did he spend his early mornings delivering up twisty mountain roads? (Donor organs, or perhaps tiny ceramic statuettes?)

‘Optimus’, huh? I could definitely believe Tesla build quality is inspired by the G1 Transformers cartoon...

Cybertrucks at 20 paces! (Maybe not, though — a Cybertruck would slice your own leg off before you could get it anywhere near your opponent...)

My predictions for the Tesla Roadster feature set:

So the UK is flooded with these signs? (Huh, I guess they do need them after all!)

Did you hear about Ikea’s new autonomous delivery trucks?

Thank you for clarifying that they were real scientists. That can be an important distinction.

Tesla (the corporation) is also in the midst of a long-term ‘critical steering error’.

‘Plucky engineers’ is what I’d call Brian May and his dad making the Red Special guitar out of a fireplace...

If you’re willing to fix it yourself, you can grab one for a Steel.

Yeah, I’m trying to picture Immortan Joe’s Half-Life War Boys yelling ‘CANbus! CANbus! CANbus!” and grabbing wiring harnesses from a huge pile before setting off shiny and chrome on the Fury Road...

Been years since I’ve had a rousing game of Peasant’s Quest...

You’re forgetting the journalistic endeavors of star reporter Morphy Brown.

Now playing

I’d also gladly read a comic inspired by ‘Home By The Sea’ by Genesis.

I’ve never found any CBS crime show to be particularly interesting

So is this the Shake Weight of the consumer electronics world? Or is there something worse we can compare it to?

Giancarlo Esposito: “I was thinking I could try...”

So Christian Bale then...

I’ve heard even worse stories about: