
Yeah, the thing that strikes me is she is such a mediocre sex columnist. Any time anyone goes beyond plain-vanilla bedroom stuff, she freaks out. “Samantha, when did you become a lesbian?”

I wonder if there’s time for Berger to break up with her via a Yelp review or something...

Work in a favorable reference to Al Capone or Hannibal Lecter and you’ve just about got it XD

Could it be a mechanical failure — some sort of leak? Wouldn’t be the first time around Trump...

“Well, there’s usually a car to take me to set every morning...”

Sure, maybe.

Celebrity Jeopardy is real? Huh... I thought it was just an SNL thing.

If everyone does it, it’s still wrong, but then it’s more worthwhile to do an industry-wide expose than to single Tesla out.

It’s reasonable to ask how other automakers compare. Is this sort of frequent violation commonplace in the auto industry?

opens new tab”

All good points — and although the scene doesn’t work at all, you have made me appreciate the difficulty of filming and editing a scene like that.

disastrous strife between Aemond and Daemon

It must be a New Yorca. “Hey, I’m swimming here!”

Now playing

I tried rewatching Fellowship of the Ring recently and sadly discovered a lot of the action is incomprehensible — they were right in the middle of the whole ‘incompetent shaky camerawork is actually good’ era of action cinematography, which didn’t age well at all.

A comedy special about wooden shoe molds? Huh, could be interesting.

Now his driveway is shipshape.

The Model Y is basically the Model 3 with a slightly different aspect ratio. But it’s weird how much more repugnant the Model Y looks.

There’s this one Tesla overflow parking lot in the general Warm Springs area where the blue security lights are always flashing. I wonder what that’s about...

What the hell happened to Tesla’s styling, anyway? The Model S is quite striking, and the Model 3 isn’t bad either. Then along comes the Model Y -- combining the blandness of a Camry with the ungainliness of a Pontiac Aztek or BMW X6.