
Speaking of food/finger analogies, those clips of the Cybertruck frunk slicing entire bunches of carrots in half are a bit concerning...

Yeah, it’s like a time machine back to the build quality of the 80s.

The problem is with Tesla’s culture as a whole. To build a good manufacturing organization, you need to nurture expertise and talent, and invest in people — and there is nothing Elon Musk hates more, or respects less, than people. (Why do you think he cares so much Full Self-Driving and humanoid robots? Because he

They should take inspiration from Star Trek TNG and call it ‘West of Both Worlds’.

To be fair, as bungling goes, starting a Donald Trump-themed social network is a pretty reckless and wasteful decision...

Hmm, so actually worse than Fisker. That said, I feel more confident about Vinfast taking the Kia or Hyundai route and becoming a capable mainstream manufacturer a few decades down the line. Fisker... I don’t know. It seems like they’ve been failing at basic competence for over a decade now.

Unrelated: traveling in the UK last year, I was surprised to learn there is a real place known as the Tron Kirk.

How does the new Fisker compare with Vinfast in terms of quality? I’ve actually seen a few Vinfasts around where I live, which I didn’t expect at all...

Sounds like a case of lox safety standards...

Too late for April Fools. But maybe it’s an early May Tricks?

So this guy sees shady liberal conspiracies when he sees... buses?

I’m looking forward to seeing Anne Hathaway’s take on this if she comes back to SNL...

Godzilla Ecks Kong Versus Sever

What, are you crazy? That wouldn’t be a good idea at all!!!

Speaking in ‘pretty broadly agreed’ and ‘lots of people say’ terms (ie internet nonsense with no sources or attribution), I think there’s also a ‘broad consensus’ that Tesla does actually excel at unconventional solutions to tricky engineering problems. What they’re really bad at is a) mass-production (since Elon is

Yeah, but at least people are talking about it. Unlike the Model Y, which is bulbous and ungainly, but also completely bland and unmemorable. It’s the point at which all their design inspiration ran out — “Let’s take the Model 3 and, uh, change the aspect ratio.

You raise a good point — which is also why Lamborghini making an SUV is slightly less irritating than Ferrari or Aston-Martin making one.

You read my comment and got ‘Elon bootlicker’?

I think I love the Cybertruck. Elon’s product and design ideas are obnoxious as hell in mainstream vehicles (everything in a screen, steering yoke, self-driving that works some of the time). But for a low-volume limited-production vehicle like this, it’s fine! I see this as the Lamborghini of pickup trucks — it drives

Also curious — The Dark Knight felt like a major evolution over Batman Begins in terms of tone, filmmaking techniques, etc. What in particular elevates the first film over the sequel for you? (Was it some of the second film’s plot nonsense? Eg. taking fingerprints off a fired bullet...)