
Yeah, if a billion-dollar-company needs a piece of promotional art, why wouldn’t they just hire an artist?

“I -- am -- a DENTIST!”

To be fair (to be fayah), I tried learning to draw for about 6 months or so. It is the HARDEST thing I’ve ever tried to do. I can definitely understand someone who wants to draw, but can’t, turning to this sort of thing instead. (Instead of turning to AI, the best thing would be to get art lessons, but not everybody

I dropped off this show around season 2, and... uh... apparently it hadn’t even begun to get weird yet.

Cross-promotion with Skrillex?

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This reminds me of my favorite Genesis song.

Beezus Fuffoon!

Preordered. I wonder if they have any insight into that Harkonnen swim-goggles-guy?

Holy shit, he looks like Ray Purchase!

Actually, it supports my point — I, Robot is the shallowest possible adaptation of an Asimov story (it started out as an unrelated project), but it’s still reasonably good.

Hell’s teeth, I didn’t know any of that. That’s a genuine shame.

Go the Witcher route and cast Liam Hemsworth XD

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I spend my time bouncing around between 70s-style prog rock, a bit of Tom Waits, power metal, Japanese rock, and, branching off of that, the various flavors of insanity Tatsuya Yoshida engages in.

I imagine Elon Musk would also ‘delete block as a feature’ if he ever bought the LEGO corporation.

I genuinely respect Taylor Swift’s commitment to songwriting and the extent of what she’s achieved as an artist. I fully expect her to go down in history as one of the great musicians of this generation... but the weird thing is, I’ve never actually heard one of her songs. (Maybe in a supermarket or something? I

Then again, any vessel, passenger or cargo, ought to have a manifest. A vessel without a list of what’s on board could be a bureaucratic inconvenience...

Yeah, despite the grim tone, there was something about it that kept me engaged at first — which is probably why I have such a strong negative reaction to how badly it ended. (As opposed to Helix, a show that came up in its wake that was stupid right from the start.)

I’m happy to agree to disagree. Although I did follow that show and enjoy it for most of its original run, the whole ‘doom and gloom’ aesthetic quickly started to grate on me, and I was counting on a clever, meaningful climax to justify spending time with a character as horrible and annoying as Starbuck.

Justin Timberlake as one of the hapless game testers. “It’s too sexy! ABORT!”

Either way, it would be directed by M Night Shyamalan. (Why? You know why.)