
You were driving a TVS? In Brooklyn?? Huh, that’s interesting.

I wonder if we’ll ever see his cousins on screen, Sam Scotlund and Willy... Wules, I guess?

Do you think he’s pals with Kathy Ireland?

The amusing thing about Blackest Night was, you didn’t need to convey any emotion in the actual writing — you could just say “Fear.” “Love.” “Will.” in those black bubbles.

What about a Creedence Clearwater Revival CD? If that sets it ablaze, Who’ll Stop The Fire?

But do you have spacious trunks?

Tell me of the waters of your homeworld, Steve -- and how I might partake.

How are they in the wet, though? I know they say that there’s never one drop of rain on Arrakis. But what if a God-Emperor spends a thousand years terraforming the planet, turning it into a luxurious paradise, but clamping down on the production of the Spice and strangling the potential of the human species? If that

What about the audio system? Do Weirding Modules come standard, or are they a luxury option?

He fired all the people who could have helped prepare. (Maybe he hoped his Tesla engineers would be able to harden Twitter Spaces against load spikes. After all, building cars and being an SRE are basically the same skill set, right?)

Surely you can’t be serious.

Whaaat, no Battlestar Galactica “God did it, we never had a plot in the first place”?

Sounds like this teenager watched a few too many episodes of The Fugitive...

In other news, researchers studying fatigue found that compared to four-wheel racing, motorcycle racers are a little two tired.

Was this the 880? That highway is harrowing enough as it is...


Is that right? Digests of old Archie comics were a big part of growing up in India in the 90s, but I don’t remember seeing anything like that. (And I do remember a lot — Archie as a superhero, the RC car miniseries, Lil’ Archie, New Archie, New Lil’ Archie (as opposed to regular Lil’ Archie), Jughead’s two

Elon Musk is one of the shittiest managers of all time. He fired an exemplary employee because he didn’t understand what this person did, and then shared his private medical information on Twitter. Nothing Elon has to say about management or the workplace should ever be taken seriously.

This feels like a perfect sponsorship opportunity for VinFast...