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I kinda feel the same way too. Although, when I watched him in "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee" the other day, I warmed up to him a little. But just a little.

Well, Wind did have those cool spinny things. Also, I remember seeing Thunder in a bunch of those Shaw Brothers and related KungFu theater movies. But, yeah, Lightning was the coolest of the bunch.

Correction, the entrance of lightning was the best part of the movie. Thunder and Wind? pretty much just walk on camera, Lightning rides a damn bolt down from the heavens and does a bit of the old kata.

Lightning guy was badass. The entrance of the 3 storms was the best part of the movie.

I loved that guy. Looked totally badass with that big hat covering most of his face.

LaRussa is being honored for guiding teams he managed to 2,728 wins, a total that ranks third in baseball history. But here's the rub: about 43% of all of those wins were recorded when LaRussa was managing Mark McGwire and winning because of his prodigious power.

Gumbel's argument was incomplete and overly limited in scope but not without merit.

LaRussa managed 25 players, of which McGwire was one. McGwire is accountable to only himself. A big difference and I don't believe it's a level argument by Bryant. Yes, McGwire was a major contributor on those teams, but certainly not the only contributor.

And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.

...You're alright, anime image macro user. You're alright.

Dude? Preorder flowers.

Gotta say, Machado took the heckling very well.

Mark, they weren't posting selfies with these sentiments as the captions, the original author put their profile pictures with their tweets to show you who was saying these things and how young they were. It's still very not ok that they are saying these things, but it's not as confusing and weird sounding when you

You may be sorry you asked.

A little man slaps a big man in the face. The big man beats him to a bloody pulp with a crowbar, then beats up anyone standing near him, then complains to sympathetic bystanders about how much his face hurts now.

No wonder most Americans automatically side with Israel, we're both wealthy nations filled with shamelessly self-absorbed assholes so far removed from any conflict we enter that it's incredibly easy to cheerlead for atrocities. I wish I could even be surprised that Violent Nationalism Selfies are a thing, but I can't.