or, you know, hit the ball out of the infield.
or, you know, hit the ball out of the infield.
"Fact: Everything I'm saying is supposition."
The description of this post as "fact-checking" needs to be fact-checked.
Men who expect women to be what exactly? A sex object that uses her tits to gain recognition? How brave.
PLEASE stop using the word Twerk. You are not twerking. You are isolating a muscle. It's not the same, and it's further removing the term from it's true meaning. I realize the term is trendy and makes more people want to see what you are doing, which is no doubt amazing. But it's NOT twerking.
I can't read the link, sorry - beef is pretty bad regardless of how it is produced - I think if you take animal welfare, pollution, antibiotic use and food safety into account grass fed probably comes out better though.
Ha, I don't think that's sane, no. ;) But there's probably a kernel of truth in there, somewhere.
Well, e coli is always going to be traced back to either human or animal contamination for sure.
Yup. Ten years. Filled with colonoscopies and and endoscopies and gastroenterologist visits. I was given an IBS diagnosis, and nobody ever mentioned food allergies or diet. I try very hard to buy humanely raised meat, but it's not something I'm willing to give up at this point. If only they could get that whole…
I don't know either. I would guess with time they could produce less corn and more grass - I don't think it's a lack of land that's the problem. I assume prices for beef would go up, but then taxes for corn would go down, so... I don't know - I just know that other countries make free range work on a massive scale :)
If all you have is local, ethically sourced meat, then meat will be a thing that only rich people can afford. It might not impact you very much, and you might be able to "get used to the idea of spending a larger portion of your income on food," but it will seriously impact a lot of people hovering around the poverty…
It is totally appropriate to bring up vegetarianism as an option in a comment to an article about the negative health effects of 'supermarket meat.' OP did not even mention ethics. The article discussed bad things that might happen as a result of eating meat, and OP responded that to stop eating meat is a solution to…
I don't understand how refusing to eat meat is being "holier than thou" but refusing to eat conventionally raised meat is not. Doesn't it make you feel better about yourself to live within your ethical framework? They're just two different ways to try to live a morally good life, just probably based on slightly…
It's where vegetarians get our protein!
Yes, works for me! Stories like this make me feel so smug. But also so sad.
Don't know what she was complaining about. The view is magnificent. lol #sorryagain
Because they are racists.
Saying "I am Darren Wilson" is essentially saying "I am a piece of shit cop who shot and murdered an unarmed black kid." Why are people saying this with pride? I don't understand.