
You’re right because you actually know what the fuck you’re talking about. I’m still annoyed that a person worth a “billion” dollars doesn’t have to pay any taxes when he claims to love people like police and military. (Sorry, I’m a police officer and find it offensive that this asshole can say he loves us and

Dude I was a hardcore Bernie supporter and a lifelong Democrat who actually does the annoying bullshit of making phone calls and knocking on doors. Hell I was a Bernie bro before I rememered that this election is more about supreme court appointees than anything else so you know, go fuck yourself.

Why are most trump supporters incapable of even semi-correct grammar? This is why we don’t take any of the deplorables seriously

Awww! Did you find that word on your daily “words that make us sound smart when talking about Hillary” email?

Wait, I’m unsure as to whether you are serious or not? I know I shouldn’t even bother with you but I can’t help myself tonight apparently. So... You’re fine with going back to the Bush tax cuts and deregulation that led us to a terrible recession... Granted the wars made that worse but we still woulda been fucked

I’m going to plagiarize this a bit and post it my cousins feed. She’ll end up voting Clinton but her friends are morons and I’d like to take them down a few notches. Thanks!

Yeah actually it is when the other candidate goes to extraordinary lengths to NOT pay his “fair” share of taxes. But you know, I’m glad you feel like such a good person for refusing to support her even though Trump is literally gonna destroy us and any progress we’ve made the last eight years.

Don’t even try dude. I work with one of these “She’s center-right” people, and I’ve realized that he’s just a lazy socialist who hates all rich people and thinks he’s sticking it to the man by refusing to vote for her.

I actually agree with your assessment. Yeah alcohol might have been involved, but it wasn’t the main cause unless the driver was wasted. It was dark and they were going too fast. Either way, it sucks and I’m gonna miss watching Jose pitch. He actually made me enjoy the Marlins again. His life shouldn’t be diminished

Yeah they really do. I grew up in Florida and know how bad people are about driving a boat when they’ve been drinking. No one thinks it’s a problem for some reason. But talking shit about Fernandez who wasn’t even driving the boat as far as we know isn’t going to help your case. I wouldn’t be surprised if drinking was

Have you even read ANY of the reports regarding the accident? Maybe you should before making judgemental comments. However, I do agree with your hope for more drinking and boating awareness

Yet Hillary still manages to fuck this up once a week. I’m gonna go drink more now. And build a wall around my home.

I’m down. Let them have their hunger games.

They’re just pissed that players are protesting against police officers who kill unarmed civilians. They wouldn’t even give a shit if they were protesting anything not involving cops.

I say we do a trade with Mexico if they’re serious. That’s really not fair to any country, but I don’t care because these douchbags don’t deserve citizenship

You... You’re just making me drink more.

Didn’t realize we lived in Nazi Germany. One of her freedoms is being able to protest dumbasses.

Exactly! They bitch and whine about how the “federal government is taking away states rights” and yet they’re completely fine with destroying the power of the local governments if it’s for the purpose of keeping people poor and taking away LGBT rights. The hypocrisy is incredible

Thank you, I can’t think of a better way to describe that thing they call McCrory. One can only hope that he chokes on a McChicken.

Trust me when I say that I am aware. I went through all that shit years ago and no one even suspects. It’s just disturbing to have friends who actually believe this bull, but sometimes when I make this argument there is an “oh hell, you’re right” moment. My point was simply that their logic is flawed which isn’t very