So, this law does nothing to stop people who have already transitioned and have had their birth certificate changed from going into the “wrong” bathroom. They’re literally just pandering to ignorant, religious nuts at this point.
So, this law does nothing to stop people who have already transitioned and have had their birth certificate changed from going into the “wrong” bathroom. They’re literally just pandering to ignorant, religious nuts at this point.
Christ, I hope so. And yet, I still have friends, who are good people that I would trust with my life, and they’re gonna vote for these fuckers. I don’t even try to argue anymore. Republican equals the light and Democrat equals Lord Voldemort or some shit.
Right. Some of us actually like our jobs.
See this is the perfect example. I think you’re an idiot, but if you happen to live where I work, I will gladly save your ass despite not liking your opinions.
No they don’t. They took a fucking oath. They shouldn’t have become police officers if they weren’t prepared to protect people with different opinions and even those who hate cops. Any cop who signed this letter should be fired.
Dear Santa Clara cops,
You’re completely right about juries and the voire dire system. Its just frustrating when you watch violent criminals get off because the defense attorney was smarter than the prosecutor, but I shouldn’t put the blame on regular people who rarely understand the criminal justice system. Besides, it works both ways…
It’s a violent sport, so it’s possible that guys who are more prone to violence gravitate towards it. The actual sport and the culture surrounding it ain’t innocent, but I just think a lot of the blame should be placed on the individual who is capable of committing such terrible actions. I don’t want these assholes to…
I’ve begun to believe that certain types of guys are naturally drawn to football and then their behavior is reinforced by jackass coaches and stupid youth sports parents. A lot of them would still be rapists if football didn’t exist, but the current misogynistic culture of football obviously doesn’t help. Honestly, I…
The point that most good men are making when they say something along the lines of what that_other_guy said is that we want all women to be treated the way we treat our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. Yes, men can be and are raped (unfortunately it’s incredibly underreported due to the shame and stigma), but…
Dude I started on deadspin, and then moved to gawker because deadspin has ALWAYS shared articles from the other sites. Now that gawker is dead, the readers were naturally gonna migrate with their favorite authors. And this is a subblog of deadspin, not actual deadspin.
I don’t know, you would think it was as difficult as learning the difference between an armed threat and an unarmed threat considering the dumb shit I’ve read from these people the past week.
This. Some people are comfortable being monogamous and some just ain't. Weiner is still a pathetic piece of shit though considering the multiple chances Huma have him and having his kid in one of his dumb pics. Like, have a remote amount of decency even if you’re incapable of being faithful.
I can’t wait for the “softer” immigration stance during and immediately after this trip only to be followed by a return to his natural dumbass form at one of his lily white rallies. I’m honestly somewhat excited.
I’ve got a very simple task for you as well... Don’t fucking click on the articles regarding politics. You’re now outnumbered by gawker fucks and we don’t care.
I’ve got a very simple task for you... Don’t fucking click on the articles regarding politics. I don’t understand why this is so damn hard
This needs more stars. I’m born and raised in the South though, so maybe I’m biased.
Enjoy your “conscience”, and I’ll enjoy voting for a moderate liberal woman who will put progressives on the supreme court. Have a good weekend, asshole.
Ah, now that would be ironic and fun.