“and the excitement, of turn based strategy!!” LOL
“and the excitement, of turn based strategy!!” LOL
"Yes mom, we got sponsored, that means we're big-time now."
Stop with the "winning" thing. Who are you, Charlie Sheen from three years ago? Nobody "won" Halloween. Not even this guy in the sweet costume. Halloween isn't a game. It's a holiday. It can't be won. As Elsa says "Let it go."
What the hell is the deal with this slow hip hop? MORTAL KOMBAT NEEDS TECHNO!!!
Hi all! I'm the creator of ANGELINA, a PhD researcher based in London, England. Fire away with any questions and I'll do the best I can to answer them, or hit me up on Twitter @mtrc for more.
Wow, how did I not realize PixelJunk was on PC??
The psychological damage of a young person seeing an unclothed human being.
"Fucktaku reviews!"
Of course it's not, there were no deaths involved.
Yes, because if it was they would all be overweight.
If there is no transformations scene in the next scene, or wieners, I'm disappointed.
This is in Suntec Convention Centre which means the church service would most likely be City Harvest megachurch. Stupid sheep following that cult church even after their pastor is under criminal investigation for embezling the millions of church donations to buy high end properties, invest and fund his own wife's…
Is this worth an article? in that it's no surprise. You could go to any video/article on the internet and find ignorant, insensitive or shock value comments, heck you could do the same for Kotaku but you wouldn't find quite as much due to the smaller user base. Yes there are dicks on the internet, also next in the sky…
Actually its not. That's barbaric and doesn't solve anything.
Any will to ever have children in the future has just been destroyed. I hope you are happy.
No, you actually did, you just weren't affected by it. It's a fucking mature-rated game and no one should have bought it for you.
To be honest, I dont remember the 3DS response on the internet being all that effusive - then they released a stream of great titles for it, and now some people think its the best console outright, not just of handhelds.