Carlos Esparza Espinoza

Competitive League of Legends: A huge, flashy show and whole ton of gossip.

Probably because you're accustomed to the over dramatic American style. No bullets, no action. No tears, no emotion. Games are made for people who are able (even at a minimal extent) to use their imagination, you know?

I thought it was awesome. I don't need any additional narrative efforts to fuel my interest.

Hell YES.

I'm never gonna be excited with MK again, unless they go back to use models made from real people. Current MK feels like playing "Max Steel" Kombat.

Personally, I don't wait for games I really want and I'm willing to pay full price at launch for those. There are also other games I'm just not entirely conviced. So be thankful that there's a channel for us not-so-convinced consumers to get to even try your stuff. It's not that I'm "accustomed" to sales, but if with

Cereza means "cherry" in spanish. It's funny to think of ways Bayonetta can get her cherry popped lol.

LOL at that last picture. Katy looks like a blob compared to the other girl, who clearly has godlike presence or something, i mean what the hell with the fall on that outfit, it's just stunning.

LOL at that last picture. Katy looks like a blob compared to the other girl, who clearly has godlike presence or something, i mean what the hell with the fall on that outfit, it's just stunning.

And this is why i preffer marihuana over all drugs. More fun, no hangovers, freedom of choice on snacks.

And this is why i preffer marihuana over all drugs. More fun, no hangovers, freedom of choice on snacks.

If i had that suit, i would never stop wearing it. Ever.

No, i just refuse to watch this fat bastard more than 35 full seconds. Nice try though.

This is the kind of stupid comments we've had to deal with ever since we stopped caring for britney looking busted at an MTV VMA and started promoting our asian artists being flawless at VMAJ or MAMA. They haven't increased in number or gotten smarter about their mock, so this article is an old story.

What's wrong with it? I think she looks stunning.

"According to the students, they were given tasks and jobs that were unrelated to their majors or fields of study. Apparently, they also did manual labor."

Come on, we all get "forced" to do shit "unrelated to our major fields of study" during college. Assembling and facing that noisy factory floor is something their


I feel some respect for the flesh i agree to rip off from other living beings for survival, so this doesn't feel right to me, sorry :c

There's a huge difference between watching content you know it's not allowed to people of your age because of the "possible psychological consequences" and watching mature content because no one gives a damn. You perceive, process and enjoy things differently in both cases.

When I was a kid, I used to play Mortal

This scares the hell out of me. I've seen the same kind of little creatures in a horror film called "Noroi" (the curse) where they were psychic mind-raping aliens under a demon's command >_<

Naive foreign question here:

I love you.