Well then might as well have her wake you up instead.
Well then might as well have her wake you up instead.
What a beautiful expression of humanity! Full of such encouragement for our fellow man.
"Daniel- You're Fuckin Pussy"
"Get Fucked Nerd"
"Daniel you Little Bitch!"
"Fuck Zimmerman"
And of course plenty of dicks.
Sometimes the easiest way to win is to not fight at all
Look Video Games! I was willing to look the other way when you turned all those kids into gun toting murderers, but I will not stand for you hurting titties!
I meant Aura appears to have missed Thora's joke, and reacted by hurling abuse. If you've missed it too, though, maybe Kotaku *does* need [/sarcasm] tags ಠ_ಠ
I caught one of these in Animal Crossing a week ago, never heard of it before that. See, video games are educational!
Right!? They're still using the same mechanics as the first Pokemon game they made like 15 years ago lol. They know we want it, so why not give it to us?
But you'd still make the trade, right? I mean, Bidoofs are the best pokemon
Weeds not a drug silly, it's a flower ;)