Carlos SpicyWiener

Don’t attribute bigotry, entitlement and hatred to “mental unwellness”. 

His strikeout rate wasn’t the problem, plenty of great players have more strikeouts than hits; it’s that he was hitting with no power while striking out that often.

I didn’t take it as a joke at all. I once saw them shooting at a guy for over five minutes, over 200 rounds, in a surrounded public area.
Only a numbskull would believe “that’s just about the right kind of problem solving needed!”

that’s because many departments will outright reject applicants whose IQ is too high, that’s not a joke, and when you only hire people with low I.Q. well this is exactly the result you’re going to get.

Should be, for sure, but my guess it would be a rights issue if a penalty for a charge was shifted up/down because of a person’s job, status, etc. At that point the focus would probably be on trying to stack additional charges for things like abuse of power or whatnot. The judge would have discretion too if they

But it’s long been a Republican tactic to publicly threaten lawsuits. Because they think it makes them look tough.

Yeah, threatening reporters is very, very, risky because if they call your bluff and don’t back down, all your dirty laundry is going to be on display for everyone to see in court.  Even if you aren’t a shady pedophile, it’s still not gonna be fun.

Starting in the “I wish a muhfukah would” category, go ahead and sue Politco for saying that shit.  Then watch them countersue and have the judge slap you with the bill.  You’re gonna defend a fuckin’ pedophile, you get got just like him and I got all this popcorn waiting for the watch party.

They made their point and will never be held to account. 

The charges were already absurd because A: she broke no laws and B: the state constituion specifically protects legislators from being arrested while doing their jobs, barring treason. But then it turns out she was actually serving in the role of secretary. She wasn’t being nosy or bothersome or annoying, it’s

They’re making their Jim Crow wet dreams into reality pretty blatantly so I have no doubt it’s meant as a warning for the “uppity” types.

Criminalizing them is literally enslavement per the US constitution.

Not even an accident.

This motherfucker’s name is literally Tom Cotton like he stepped out of a 70s Slavery Blacksploitation film. America has no chill 

Make America Safe Again?

We might as well start calling Dolt45 “Teflon Don II” because no matter how many times he fucks up or commits a crime, no one can get any charges or lawsuits to stick.

He met Nestor when Nestor was 12. Nestor is the BROTHER of one of Gaetz’s ex-girlfriends. So...yeah.

World War Wypipo

Team Fox has always claimed there is a few bad apples, I don’t see why they’d feel their hypocrisy any stronger on this than their baseline.

At least one them is black so I don’t see the Blue Lives Matter Crowd getting too worked up over this.