Carlos SpicyWiener

Not mentioned in this recap, but Harry also mentioned that their leaving their roles didn’t blindside anyone and Meghan said that despite the toll it was taking on her that she was prepared to stick it out.

The GOP knew 20 years ago that they could never win another fair election.

and the Lord Jesus spoke: “ye, if thou hast a rockin bod, make yon ducats on the site only for fans, my child! dolla, dolla bills, ye all!

I’m guessing the ones who decided she was an easy whore, got shut down, and outed her in revenge.

Excuse me, but WTF is the problem? They’re married. Jesus didn’t say shit about having an OnlyFans! Being Christian must be hard.

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans,’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

America has always criminalize the poor.

You ever read about the billions of dollars banks receive annually in overdraft fees? As someone put it, the banks made all this money from people that literally can't afford it. 

Yeah, I was thinking - Nine?  By then I was a latch-key kid who routinely had a couple hours to my self every day.  By ten, I was staying at home by myself every day during the summer.

My sister at 9 was definitely left watching me at 3. This was '80, '81, and she did it for years. Some kids grow up faster than others because they have to. They shouldn't be underestimated.

I think I was 6 or 7 when my parents started leaving me home alone. Hungry? Whip-up a box of Mac ‘n Cheese or make a sandwich. Bored? Watch TV or go ride your bike. Surviving as a kid isn’t exactly rocket-science. Here in NC, having your 9-year-old taking care of their younger siblings is the norm.

I’m Gen-X and was left alone by myself or with another kid my age often so that my mom could work. I was also around 8. 

i dont quite understand how a powerbill could reach the 10 thousand per month

No guys, it’s totally AOC’s fault. You guys...Green Plan.

something something, SOCIALISM IS SCARY!!!

He claimed that Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinsons for publicity.

By the way, this is why any talk of him “running” some media empire is laughable: at most, he’ll lease his name. 

Donald Trump has never been happy. Ever.

This. I’m no apologist for the orange turd, but being unwilling to unplug from social media doesn’t mean you’re not genuinely happier without it. I'm pretty sure most people would be, if they could only let it go.

I would say I believe he’s more relaxed and he HATES being relaxed. People like Dump run on spite and rage. 

and not being subject to the hateful echo chamber that social media too frequently becomes