Carlos SpicyWiener

I don’t think I’ll read a better assessment today. The Democrats are playing chess and the GOP is playing flip the fucking board over. They’re attacking democracy on every possible front - voting, judicial, and flat out rioting. And Dems are like, “Bipartisan...”

This. Maybe the My Pillow guy believes, but the former guy knows he's just grifting.

Trump is signaling.

Yes, yes, yes and yes. This seems more like a bullshit Twitter rabbit hole. The Root is better than this. 

It’s also not a new story. I read an article on this (I want to say last year?) and she talked about how she came from a super privileged, wealthy background and her embarrassment over her participation in this ball. I’m trying to find it now but every page of google is dominated by this latest news.

We really doing this? Really? I mean we have Texas trying to take away the right to vote for anyone that isn’t white, actually seasons their food and can clap on the 2 & 4 and this is what you’re concerned with? I am all for multi-tasking but I am also for priorities and this ain’t it. Unless you have footage of her

It also says that this was a racist thing until the early 90’s (and then wasn’t?). So given that she’s 41 now, unless she was tuned into kkk goings on in her pre-teen years and was crowned kkk princess of St Louis while a freshman at Princeton at the age of 13 (possible) it doesn’t seem like there’s much here to link

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.

Lol, what?

Agreed, this Murica nothing to see here

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

The other party is not just worse, it’s fascist. So yeah, in comparison Biden is peanuts which doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be protested.

He ain’t learned shit. But the irony of racist white men tells us, he’s likely beating off to a picture of her right now. SMH.

Well, let’s keep it local to Georgia and construct a Colossus of Rhodes-sized statue of William Tecumseh Sherman, above the Braves stadium, teabagging it and all its occupants.  It’d just be some friendly historical education, ya know?  

Unless they c*nt punt her out of Congress we’ll have to keep listening to the stream of hate and nonsense from her, because her constituents sure as fuck are not going to NOT vote for her.

People who use non-existing statues as examples clearly think those statues should exist.

No fewer misspellings on the plaque.

How will we distinguish yours from all the other Trump statues?

Roadside rapid tests should be banned. The tests are, no doubt, going to test positive for whatever they are intended to detect - there is great doubt that they will test negative for everything else in the universe, which means plenty of false positives which means plenty of wrongful arrests, seizures, stays in jail

Is it possible that they don’t have a choice and some sort of rent has to be paid since they’re government employees and can’t have things gifted to them, so the rent is based on lowest value of similar type/space?