Carlos SpicyWiener

Lot of northern states country bois fly the Confederate flag these days.

I’m from Ohio and can confirm that there are a lot of racist white people there.

Loss of pension AND any/all legal fees and fines are the police’s (not the union, not the city, but personally) responsibility.

The best analogy is like a family annihilator - he will kill jis wife and kids before divorcing

This seems more like a move to get back at McConnell for admitting Biden won the election; wounded animal lashing out and all.

I finally listened to the Cruise rant. It’s great that he’s taking Covid seriously but beyond that his screaming was creepy and too much. Also, it’s clear that he has some sort of Messiah Complex or something wherein he believes he’s saving the world. I don’t think I’d want to work for a guy like that.

In other movie titles that should exist, Fast 10: Your Seat Belt

You know how pets and their owners sometimes start to look alike?

If you’re self employed and your net income is $50k a year, you’re paying $1200 a month in insurance for a family of four, almost certainly. 

Why is it the Dems fault for the crappiness is the bill? ItMsnhard to pass a decent bill ehen it’s obvious a large part of the Republican Party does not care at all. If it weren’t for the GA senate race, McConnel might not have even allowed it be worked in. It’s hard to negotiate with people who fundamentally don’t

GOP on the deficit when a Republican is in the White House

But his behavior at his comedy shows is reprehensible, so some of us are anti-Pete.

Hey! I always look forward to seeing Pete. He has a weird unexplainable charisma, and I def have a soft spot for him - but since I’m many, many years older I mostly want to fix him a snack, ask how his therapy is going, and counsel him about his life choices.

The process of removal is long and painful.

Article IV (2, cl. [2] ) of the U.S. Constitution provides:

It’s 3:30, people are waiting outside for his ass, and Trump’s still In the classroom cleaning erasers, emptying wastebaskets and asking the teacher If there’s anything else he can do for her.

“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s bid to file a lawsuit that could effectively reverse President-elect Joe Biden’s projected Electoral College victory to work the orange taint in a bid for a pardon,

The AG is also fishing for a pardon since he is under investigation for various things.

“This is the party of State’s Rights(except for things we don’t approve of, like abortion and Democrats winning elections) suing to overturn the will of several states.”