Carlos SpicyWiener

Bernard Kerik: Convicted tax felon. Giuliani’s chief of police for NYC. Still a known associate of Giuliani.

Hell, he was just relieved for there to be a sexual video he wasn’t involved in!

I wonder if Rudy is just happy at not being the most insane person in a room for 5 minutes.

They didn’t squander 70 years of soft power, Bush W did that, they just squandered all that Obama had managed to restore after W’s warmongering and insulting of literally our oldest ally, France.

Trump certainly hasn’t won many hearts and minds in the military. I saw a bumper sticker on a car with Army vet plates that said “another ‘Loser/Sucker’ voting for Biden”

Pretty sure he thought he had four more years to make this happen, like his buddy Putin, completely taking over the government took time. Now, he’s scrambling.

A real coup often requires incredible amounts of work and risk, especially with a nation this size. Lying to a bunch of people and collecting PAC funds is very easy though. However, that severely understates the long term impacts this administration will have on the country.

But he will never get elected.

Your hopes are well-placed. The military is pretty conservative, but Trump hasn’t really done the work to build on that, and I don’t think he could. As I’ve said, I know a bunch of Marines and soldiers, and everything they’ve told me leads me to think there will be no military backing to a coup.

Keep a real close eye on Cotton.

I won’t feel comfortable until he is no longer in office and J Robinette Biden is in the White House.

I’m really hoping all of this is just in service to the grift of getting his followers to give him money to ‘overturn things in the courts’. However, getting USSS, FBI, DHS, to play ball with a scheme like this, much less the military, is extremely unlikely. USSS honestly, will be the first group to march him out of

The real dangerr is not Trump’s incompetent version of an attempted coup, it is when the competent fascist inevitably follows in his footsteps. If you crush the incompetent fascists quickly, the competent ones always scuttle out of the darkness and learn from the mistakes made. That is the danger, and it is one not

I saw Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the closet making ballots and one of the ballots looked at me!

“How dare you break wind before me?!”

That video made my day. The look from the aide to his left is the look of a woman who is reconsidering her plan to marry old and rich. 

Can you imagine that twit in actual jail? She wouldn’t last an hour. *evil grin*

The GOP majority on this committee apparently blocked all efforts to swear in witnesses, so none of the statements were under oath. Gee, I wonder why?

I have PTSD, a very active drinker, and i am terrified of doing mushrooms. 

(insert eyeroll gif)