Carlos SpicyWiener

God, if only more cops did this! If I was a cop and that bastard killed George Floyd I would stop at nothing to denounce him and work my hardest to have him arrested and tried. The last thing I would want is his evil smug murdering face representing me.

He monitored the responses that “MS13" references got, and dropped them when he stopped getting enough attention from them. So he looked around for some other ‘hot button’ phrase to use; there’s always another racist dogwhistle he can blow.

On #3. Besides from the fact that the kids could go ‘oh heck, they could get rid of ME’ and how fucked up that is, it could also go ‘well, if I don’t like something/someone that is different than me, I can just get rid of it/them’. Really messing up future relationships, both familial, social, and professional.

After a lot of talk with both men and women in their twenties and much above, I’d say the propensity of looking at the crotch is as entrenched in our lizard brain as dogs sniff each other’s butt: it’s a reflex.

Twitter/Jack Dorsey have been absolutely appalling in their response to this. Her grieving parents and widower are being re-traumatized while twitter shrugs . It is disgusting that Trump gets to use his power to manipulate her memory, meanwhile those who actually have a claim to her memory stand by helplessly.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, I never thought a billionaire knocking up a pop star would be so... tedious.

Seriously. They chose to make him a joke on the internet FOREVER on day one of his life. They could have given him a traditional legal name and then just had a fucked up nickname for him, but nope. I...they’re both just so insufferable. 

This. Can we please stop giving these two attention whores the attention they clearly so desperately crave. She’s that obnoxious goth girl from high school, all grown up, and he’s a selfish Libertarian asshole/Space Karen and I wish they’d go away forever and take their crotch goblin with them. 

does he really believe he can win the state with just the militia/#covidhoax crowd?


She could go work for her father, even if he doesn’t recognize her on sight.

On Feb. 23, Arbery went for a jog in the Satilla Shores neighborhood outside of Brunswick, Ga. Believing he was responsible for a robbery in the neighborhood, Travis and Gregory McMichael followed Arbery and shot and killed him during a confrontation.

I used to bartend at a hole-in-the-wall bar in a University town that also had a police training institute. The trainees (men and, once, a woman) would come in and get shitfaced wasted (like anyone else), but would talk very openly and loudly about all of the “thugs” and “shitheels” they were going to “bust” as soon

it almost seems like they are doing a parody/performance thing.


It attracts them because it take less training time than to become a hair dresser. People tout them up to be heroes and they give them guns with little repercussions should they happen to use it.

Law enforcement all across the nation attracts MANY thugs, sociopaths, psychopaths and ‘roided up misfits. It attracts them like flies on shit. Mostly because the courts have repeatedly said it was ok to reject the better, more intelligent applicants because there was more “turnover” with them.Law enforcement was set

I’m not sure what kind of recourse the family has to punish him (apart from suing them, as they are doing), but that officer should be made to suffer - professionally, economically, and (ideally) physically.

Freedom of speech? BLEH.

It’s RL trolling pretty much by cowards who don’t want to catch RL heat for being racist inbred cowardly crackers. I mean shit, if you are gonna RL troll, own it all of the way. Don’t go and run away when you realize you are going to catch hell. Be -proud- that you are racist and if you get fined, or catch some hands