Carl (@stuffcarlsays)

Looks familiar...

Wow, and here I was feeling bad about the $364/mo payment on our shitty Tiguan. Thanks to Dieselgate, the most we can get on trade for it is like $16k and we still have 3 years of lease payments left. Swear to god, never leasing again.

+1 for Premier fandom. One of the most underrated cars of all time.

Has anyone swapped a Saab B2x4/5 motor into one of these plastic 9-5s yet? asking for a friend...

I love old Saabs with an almost irrational abandon - however, this example is one that I wouldn’t even likely have someone to pay me to take.


It’s a beautiful car hampered by a less than stellar restoration and an astronomically high price. It’s nice, but not $20k nice.

My god! I have a doppelganger!

Blue also has catenary power when it’s above ground.

I brought a doppelgänger of my first Saab - it freaked everyone out.

Nice price. All day, every day.

My DD is a 1998 Volvo V70 XC (sans-XC, that angle gear is long gone). At the moment, my wife and I live a whopping 6 blocks from my office, so my commute is not anything to really shake a stick at. We bought it for $700 and it replaced a 2013 Mini Cooper that was turning into a basketcase faster than we could keep up

Love the comments; proof nobody watched the video :)

10/10, would drive. Ecoboost only.

Great news! Another week has passed, and Friday is once again upon us – and as many of you well know, that means precisely one thing: if you practice Orthodox Judaism, you are not allowed to operate an automobile after sundown.

Let it be known that I'd drive the fuck out of a Lincoln MKS RS.

Man, the 9000 used to be the state bird of New Hampshire. My kingdom for just one more 9k Aero... I wanted to get one this time around, ended up with a '98 Volvo V70 XC instead. Though, the P80 Volvos remind me of the 9000 in a sort of distant relative sort of way - makes me wonder how many people who worked at Saab