Carl (@stuffcarlsays)

Summer is officially here, and that means only one thing: time to put the top down on the Saab Turbo!

The difference between a Cactus and a BMW X1? A Cactus has pricks on the outside.

They should re-make the stereos with modern bluetooth/MP3 storage. They would sell thousands.

I feel like I’ve seen the first prototype of this before...

Fake news! I’ve been getting speeding tickets in manual-transmission cars for years now. YEARS.

Requirements? At an FCA dealer? I not even sure “Having the money” is all that important.

Considering the at least 20,000:1 ratio, why not a Chinese family?

In case you needed a palate-cleanser after all those boring crossovers.

Definitely better than whatever the hell this shit is:

sorry, this article is borderline clickbait. You spent the day at auction - that is no open to the public with a highly experienced buyer and your article took me literally 1 minute to read and I walked away none the wiser.

Saab owners have a borderline insane commitment and passion to the brand, and we have a few wildcards that have crossed that line.

I’m a Premier fanboi and I’m not ashamed to admit it!