Carlitos the Fünfer

Reminds me of the last fight I got in. This guy at a bar was looking at me. So I said, “What the fuck you looking at asshole?” He looks at me and says, “Nothing.” I stood up. “Damn right, you better not be.” This guy had no business fucking with a guy like me, so I said, “ You have no business fucking with a guy like

About time you advocate for me, Tom.

I’ll be surprised if he makes it 6 months, honestly.

Well, a CNN reporter tried and got shouted down. I am doubtful Buzzfeed gets Press Room credentials.

And he called BuzzFeed, who released the dossier in full, “a failing pile of garbage” who would “suffer the consequences.”

At this point, I wish this too. I genuinely think that Pence would be better, because I don’t think that Pence would get into a nuclear war over a few insults.

I know. Do you ever listen to him speak and think, “Well I must be dead and/or in the Twilight Zone because there is no way in hell this can be real.”

“At the end of 8 years”. Oh go fuck yourself

It is so, so bad when Mike Pence is a better option.

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

A woman is that pretty one who says no.

Second date with my long time girlfriend in my then clapped out E30. The AC didn’t run, had a sneaky issue with the idle control valve, paint was just grey primer, the tint was bubbling, tires balder than your gramps head, yet for some reason she got in that car with me. Drove to a Chinese restaurant and then out to a

alternate headline:

You mean ex-GF.

my wife just pointed this out, and I will never unsee that.

yeah, i’d have been pissed, but i’d find a way to shake it off.

Yes, but San Diegan’s won’t care. They won; he lost. Hopefully this will grow a spine in other cities with professional sports teams.

Who would ever want to live in San Diego if there’s no perennial 8-8 NFL team there? It’s like hell on earth.

This might be enough to cause the Chargers to bolt.