It looks like a fake car you find in video games so they can avoid licensing issues.
It looks like a fake car you find in video games so they can avoid licensing issues.
Wow, second comment and it’s straight to being an asshole. Bravo.
A very tentative NP. The seller looks to be doing a good job of not trying to get people to pay for all their work and just wants some money for the car (esp by current car costs). Would definitely need a PPI by a good German shop to know how well all the work was done though.
Monks need vacations too.
Rivers brought all of his kids to the game.
Man, these anti-vaxxers sure do love trying to expose other people to diseases.
Calling an EV a “Turbo” is absurd. I really dislike this blurring of automotive terms practiced by BMW, Mercedes, and now Porsche. It’s very un-German of them. The German language probably has a very specific word for precisely this type of thing.
You don’t see this everyday folks....
The clip is only 57 seconds long, but the ball’s recording device recorded 18 hours of static while it was in right field.
How dare you like something.
Trevor Bauer isn’t mad he got traded to a non-contender. He finds the whole thing funny, and is actually laughing at how angry you seem to be.
The bus actually isn’t that far off the main road, but you need a modicum of navigational and wilderness skills to reach it, not a misplaced sense of 19th century Romanticism.
As someone who actually works with authors, I’m about 1000% more likely to buy work from people like Nicole who have a demonstrated capacity for empathy than someone who colors perfectly inside the lines at all times without regard for nuance or context.
Lol this entire response
Hey, class traitor, are you getting paid for defending Amazon on message boards, or just doing it for free?
If your employer openly advertises that it’s going to work you harder, it should probably pay you higher wages.
The language barrier can’t be an excuse so long as soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Unless your average teen in Manchester is fluent in Spanish, German and Italian
Theory: Baseball is a regional sport because there’s too much damn baseball. The season is 162 games long and each game is 3 hours long, mostly during the spring and summer when people do things. That’s over 20 days of baseball. I can sort of follow one team. ONE. So I’m not going to be watching a Padres/Brewers…
If these walls could talk; you’d probably hate their accent.
Better than standing there with their finger and their thumb in the shape of an ‘L’ on their forehead.