Carlitos the Fünfer

Gotta be fake. How does a bike not outrun a Fusion?

This. It’s the same reason that the BMW lineup keeps growing. It’s the same reason why they slapped two extra doors on the 6 series and called it the Gran Coupe. It’s the same reason BMW steering has grown light and numb. People who buy these cars are not enthusiasts. They are rich people that like the little blue and

As cool as this thing is, it just doesn’t fit into the American Buick line-up. If they sold it as a Chevy that could work. But what Buick buyer is going to buy a minicar?

Be sure to select the “Handy Fire Extinguisher” option. You’ll need it.

There’s a “Handy Fire Extinguisher” option. I am not joking.

Worse. It rhymes with “Win” and “John.” And the accent is on the “Rin” bit. If you ever watch “The Endless Summer” they say it in there about Rincon, CA a lot.

The best one is “rincon....” Drives me nuts when I hear the American-ized pronunciation.

Not to be a curmudgeon, but all of you who are clamoring for a Miata coupe miss the point. The fact that it’s a convertible is all part of its charm. It’s part of the Miata experience. Sure it’s not the absolute performance choice, but since when is the Miata supposed to be a performance car?

Let’s assume you buy the hatch version of whatever CUV we’re talking about here. Suppose you save $2k on the difference in purchase price, which is a pretty conservative estimate. You can spend about half of that on a set of winter wheels and tires, which any true Jalop knows you should have anyway. I’m not sure what

These things make me unreasonably mad. Just buy a hatchback, damnit!

It’s just a different culture here. If I’m on my way somewhere, I don’t have 20 minutes to stop and have a leisurely cup of coffee. It’s the same reason we eat so many sandwiches and fast food. The rest of the world likes to sneer at our little habits, and that’s fine, sneer away! But before you sneer, you should know

Clownshoe, is that you?!

Or if you’re my twin sister, growing up, you aim right for the hot buttons at every opportunity...

I’m late to the party, but I just wanted to say that this was really well written. Nicely done, Tavarish.

Not surprised. I should’ve assumed as much.

Though I would’ve said it a little differently myself, I agree with you 100%. Every single time I watch a rally video I think to myself that the spectators are in a really dangerous spot. Promoters should designate safe spots for spectating, or construct some kind of safe enclosure ($$$, I know, but wouldn’t be a bad

I keep getting stars on my comments here as more and more new people are clued in on the 1.5 PSI joke.

Not all art is performance art. If a painter creates a beautiful painting and then displays it at the museum you don’t go there and say, “Look at that person! She’s just standing next to a painting!” But with music we’re so accustomed to it being performance art that when a DJ creates it beforehand we say “Look at

I was JUST thinking of that song earlier today. Weird.

I see it all the time with the hypercar v. supercar debate, what constitutes a shooting brake v. a wagon or hatchback, etc. I think people like to prove how much they know about cars by being pedantic. It’s a pissing contest of “I’m more of a petrolhead than you” and it’s really not necessary or fun.