Carlitos the Fünfer

But we all knew what she meant, so there’s really no need to correct her. Let’s just enjoy a good show of driving, yeah?

Drifting, power-sliding, handbrake turn, call it what you will. Yes, I realize there’s a difference, but I think we all got the point. And regardless of your personal taste in hill climb videos, this one was still pretty damn impressive.

The irony of this is that Hispanic is probably one of the more diverse categories, in terms of appearance. It’s not a race, but rather an ethnicity, so there really is no such thing as “looking hispanic.” You can look indigenous, mestizo, black, white or anything in between and still be hispanic.

That last update especially shows that there’s not a whole lot she could’ve done. By the time she realized the bat was coming at her it was probably too late.

I had to look that up. Now the real challenge is to do the same thing with “Thorndyke Special!”

“GT” is admittedly low hanging fruit. But it works!

Gumpert Apollo + Ford GT = Apollo GT!

Then it would be even more grounded to the ground than usual!

SkyActiv is one of the best NA engines out there, at least from an everyday efficiency standpoint. Toyota no doubt has the hybrid thing down. I think this will be a good partnership.

Does it need to be coast to coast? I’m a New Jerseyan, and back when it looked like my trusty DD wouldn’t make it to the next oil change I considered buying a Miata in Florida (the only thing Florida is good for). I was going to fly down and pick one up in Orlando and drive it up through Georgia, cross into NC and

Yeah. All the skidpad data I’ve seen for production cars peaks in the neighborhood of 1. Some a bit above, some a bit below. I realize a go kart can pull more, and we might be comparing them to karts but we’re still talking about cars here. I just find it unreasonable to ask any car to pull 2g, and I don’t think it’s

2Gs?... You realize how crazy that is, right?

Would that be a room temperature hatch?...

Ughhhh I go to a private university in eastern PA that is riddled with these and they are the WORST.

It looks like it wants to be an F-Type coupe in the back and a McLaren in the front.

On road trips, whoever rides shotgun in my car has to navigate, because duh. One of my buddies doesn’t know his right from his left. He’s 21 years old and he can’t figure out that the finger and thumb on his left hand make an “L.” Now this is stupid, but it’s at least somewhat forgivable, mostly because he tries his

Do you mean S50? For some reason BMW put engines that start with “S” in their M cars, and the “M” engines go in the standard cars. It’s silly. In other news, if you’re going to stick an M3 engine in there they should have used the S54! Come on now DME!

No. Vastly different. Everybody makes mistakes and this guy owned up to his. He's not making excuses for what happened, he's breaking down all of the mistakes he made.

To answer your question, no. There's a big difference between choosing not to get the flu shot because you have a strong immune system/don't like needles versus refusing vaccinations of more life threatening diseases for your kids because of some kind of pseudoscience. You should get your flu shot. But I learned this

"Former TV presenter." Looks like May is in the Clarkson camp here.