Carlitos the Fünfer


I think it's easy to criticize you for not being more adamant about getting it fixed, but you had no idea this would happen! Same thing would've happened to me, I can just about guarantee it.

Two words: hourly pay.

It makes sense that someone not accustomed to the car would make it spin out too. Not that he couldn't screw up in his own car, it's just even more likely with someone who wasn't used to the way it behaves.

I died laughing in the library when I read this. Hats off to you.

My two greatest fears in life are my jack stands failing while I'm under the car and going bald.

This 1997 BMW 540i is looking pretty good to me. I'd swap out those ugly black wheels for the M5 wheels. You could throw in some additional Dinan parts for that price too, or maybe upgrade the headlights to the angel eyes they had on the LCI for the E39. But a stick shift and a 4L V8 combined with that rigid body?

M6 GC has been getting a lot of love, but I prefer its cousin, and the originator of the platform. The F10 M5, in my opinion, is the best looking 5 series BMW has made. Even better than the E39. It may be the most beautiful car they've ever designed. Actually no I think it's second to the i8. Then the F10. And then

I should clarify. I agree with you one hundred percent! I was just wishing that their reasoning was "This is archaic and demeaning to women! We should stop this." Rather than "This is sexually immoral! We should stop this." The former empowers women, whereas it seems to me that the latter, at least to some extent,

I got excited when I read the headline because I thought we were finally advancing as a car culture beyond the sexism that runs rampant on car show floors, on the grid, and every other corner of our hobby. But for the sake of "morality?" Gross.

Both systems are bulky and heavy. Batteries are bulky and heavy, reinforced kevlar-weave hydrogen tanks are bulky and heavy. Let's call that one a draw. Sure, hydrogen is flammable and potentially explosive, but it's not like no Tesla has ever caught on fire (or that there's no safety risks with Li-ion batteries) and

Couldn't agree with you more. Also I'm going to assume here that you're a chemist/chemical engineer or you have some other technical background? Because you know your shit. Respect.

They made a shooting brake version of this and it's everything you could ever dream of.

Do you also hate pizza and kittens? Because those are everywhere too, and like BBS wheels they're wonderful.

My mom isn't THAT cool.

If I have one major criticism with the 228i, it's that it's too quiet for a performance car. Even with the top down, there's no real notable exhaust or engine noise, just a quiet, anonymous growl at wide-open throttle. I'd love more noise, but that's what you get from the M235i, even if it's amplified by the speakers.

Basically, we need a modern take on the Honda CR-X. The CR-X was a car that could be all things to so many people: cheap to buy and own, practical, and still a hoot to drive. There are modern cars that have some of those qualities, but none wrap up all three as well as the CR-X

Yeah... But you still have to ask them to jump ship from GM to Chrysler. That's a deal breaker for some people.

Thanks! This makes sense. The Charger comes to mind as far as a modern version of this car. I drive an old 5 series so it seems silly to me that people would worry about a hole in the market from RWD sedans. But I think I get the appeal. It's an American car thing.

I went CP until I realized how much people are actually paying for these things. A quick eBay check made me rethink it. But I'm still confused. What is so great about these cars? That's not a rhetorical question. Seriously, someone please explain the appeal of these cars. Is it the V8? The SS badge? I just don't get