Carlitos the Fünfer

I just can't imagine a swap on this particular car was done well. I have to imagine that they cut a few corners just to make it more affordable than going out and buying a factory manual E39.

You make a fair point. Stakes are still too high for me.

$15k? That's crazy. And don't forget that this is a manual swap, not a factory manual. What are the odds that the previous owner actually did that right? I'm thinking this thing has a handful of electrical issues.

Stay away from a manual swap on these cars... Always. Story time! I got my E39 from my dad at around 160k miles when he was done driving it. I love the car to death, but it's an auto. I thought about doing a swap because I couldn't bring myself to part with the car. Only problem is a swap costs at least $8K when done

What she really meant:

Her father is Quincy Jones. I feel like her ethnicity shouldn't be such a mystery to these reporters.

I don't buy into the idea that exercise is negligible in calorie expenditure. I'm a 175-lb male. In one hour of running I burn about 850 calories. If my resting expenditure is 2000 calories per day, making my total expenditure 2850, that means ~30% is coming from exercise. That's significant. To say that exercise

I have a hard time believing that the only damage was a plastic guard. Unless those wheels are secretly made out of Captain America's shield, there's no way in hell they're not damaged.

Also, "the accelerator was pushed."

Apparently the twin clutch can't keep this guy from bouncing off the rev limiter.

You answered the initial question just fine. You answered the second question fine too, but that's where it got messy. HE told YOU that he paid $10K over sticker. How were you supposed to react to that? We all know he wants to feel validated in making that mistake, but seriously how were you supposed to respond?

Why does it look like it's on a 2" lift?

The message behind this campaign is actually pretty good, since it addresses something that not enough people know, but I think they're going to be too busy getting nightmares from this clip to learn how to drive an SUV properly.

I went to a C&C in PA once and some jackass had rigged a proximity alarm on his C5 Corvette. It went off when I got within a few feet of it and I got a bunch of dirty looks. I get that he didn't want people touching his car, but if he doesn't even want people standing close to it or looking at it why the hell did he

I mean he's dating Nicole Scherzinger, so clearly he's doing something right.

"Just think how good the great soldiers are." Damn... Gave me chills man.

Ruining a perfectly good E39 wagon. My heart is sad.

What is this? I like it...

Saw this last March and I couldn't help but laugh.

In defense of the guy with the Honda, he's actually a motivational speaker and does it for laughs! He came to my middle school way back in the day and told us about his Honda with BMW badges. He did it to be funny and to make people happy when they see it. He's not trying to fool anyone.