Carlitos the Fünfer

Whatever I happen to be driving when I stumble upon a dirt road...

Welcome to the States! Are you dressing up for Halloween this weekend? A cowboy would be a fitting costume...

I liked this article quite a lot. And that's all I got to say about that.

More often than not I see badges taken off so people will think it's the better level car. 330 badges get taken off so people who don't know better think it's an M.

Yeah, you're right. They should go with something more traditional. Oh wait...

I don't get it... Do you have a problem with the kidney grilles? Am I missing something?

Not bad. This is my wallpaper right now.

Do it! Wouldn't mind at all.

I feel like there's a certain allure to the whole trucking thing. Freedom, open road, all that good stuff. But with that comes a lot of loneliness and tedium I'm sure. It's like any job, but with higher highs and lower lows.

I, for one, welcome our autonomous car overlords. I've recently realized that if I do die behind the wheel, it won't be because I was hooning around, but because someone in a CUV crossed the double yellow because they were too busy LOLing at a snapchat their BFF just sent them. It's happened twice in the last two

I love what Mazda has been doing with the grill/front end lately. Looks so good. I think I'd like this better without the second set of doors though. Fingers crossed for a 3 door version.

Well at least I have slightly more faith in my sense of humor now! And I blame Kinja.

Definitely British. It was a "red, white, and blue" joke, which apparently wasn't very well delivered...

I'll agree with that 100%! I just like that they came in red, white, and blue. Which now that I think of it are also the colors of the Union Jack...

Whoops. Must have misread that.

As usual, Miata.

Judging by the styling that's been coming out of Mazda lately, I don't think you'll be disappointed there. The new front end they've been using is fantastically good looking.

Gosh this is depressing...

They might be doing something weird and actually testing for a different car, just with a 911 body. When they made the Boxster prototype it was just a 911 with the engine where the back seats should've been.

In the same vein I think the gas cap release should be in the same spot. I drove my dad's car recently and looked like an idiot at the pump because I couldn't figure out how to open it.