Carlitos the Fünfer

Hey I've got an idea, let's write an article that will piss off 10 types of car owners all at once!

I got way more into this than I care to admit...

The point of barefoot running isn't that it's inherently good for you, it's that it teaches you a proper stride and running form. You can't heel strike when you're barefoot. You just can't. And that is where so many join injuries and stress fractures come from.

I've seen them regularly at $40K. Absolutely absurd.

Apparently Hell has frozen over. The Pontiac Aztek has topped a Jalopnik list of cars you should buy.

This made me so angry. Can't even believe that guy.

Well of course, but we Jalops comprise a minimal market share of US car buyers.

Unfortunately, Americans won't spend this much on a hatchback. When someone drops a lot of money on a car they want people to know they did, and hatchbacks, especially a VW hatch, are perceived as cheap here.

Apparently Mandrills don't join fraternities.

To me it sounds a matter of recognizing the law and supporting it, even if he doesn't agree with it. Which I wish we saw more of in politicians these days.

I spent so much time looking for the Nurburgring and it was right there the whole time...

No I agree. It's not safe. But I'm glad the car isn't collecting dust in his garage or going 10 under the limit to get into town and back one or two times each summer. There's got to be a happy medium.

Honestly... No I don't condone driving like a jackass, but I have to give this guy some respect for driving that car the way it was meant to be driven. Too many nice cars get wasted because their owners bought them just for the status and don't bother driving them properly.

Damn it Malaysian Airlines, a text message?! You couldn't send a rep to at least break the news in person?

Garaj Mahal has a better ring to it... Either way, really well written piece.

Previa because mid-engine, obviously.


Sounds pretty underground to me...