
I don’t smoke but MA just legalized it and I think I’m going to need it.

First I was upset that more people starred the superstitious nonsense than your response, but now I’m hoping that those ratios are true in the general population so I can have a crack at a spot in the new neighborhood. I ain’t afraid of no ghosts, and I’ll wear earplugs for the planes. Sign me up.

Damn Hamilton, did everyone in Boston fuck your mom once or something?

He’s also dating Aidy Bryant I think. Pretty cool guy.

Five Manchesters out of six.

I think we should take Connecticut and force everyone down in the SW corner to convert to proper New England team fandom.

I’m fine with this as long as it’s clear that Massachusetts receives Connecticut and Rhode Island. Everywhere gets to keep its county name but it’s in Massachusetts now.

Do you guys think this is the generation the M5 goes AWD?

David Brooks, dad whose voicemails you feel no guilt about ignoring,

Still cursed, as far as I know.

Not sure if you know this, but Greg Howard works for the Times now.

Good thinking, you’ve almost reached the point where a teenager would say “nothing matters dude”.

I hate that some of it makes me mad. Even the true parts. God, we’re terrible.

One time while studying in Germany a friend tried to steal a Kinder egg from a grocery store and didn’t tell us. On our way out of the store these big security guys came and stopped us and took him away pretty forcefully—we thought it had to be a mistake, but he sheepishly admitted it to us. Then he was too

YES. This is why the “no one is forcing you to live here” argument holds no water. This is where the jobs are, unless you want to sell insurance in Omaha or something.

Just what about his reasoning do you find objectionable? Leaving form and style aside.

You said this in a much nicer way than I was going to. Anyone who studies urbanism and its sub-disciplines will tell you that

That’s how it appeared to me as a visitor but a lot of people are saying the same thing. You learn something new every day on this site.

Those are all true, good reasons to love Boston.

I’ve since moved out but we bought our family home in 2003 for $325k and it’s hovering around $410k now, which makes me happy because it’ll give my mother something to retire on maybe. But as a young person just starting out, I don’t even entertain the idea of buying. Congrats though! I hope it doesn’t come crashing