
Depressing isn’t it? This is a great place to live if you chose the right field (iffy) and don’t have a pile of debt from one of our esteemed universities (guilty). Though I fully acknowledge that I have a hardheaded Bostonian’s view about having to move to another part of the country.

Median household income in BK was $45k in 2015. Assuming a zero percent tax rate, renting the one-bedroom in the development above would leave the median Brooklyn household about $4k left to live on for the rest of the year. Median rent in the same borough is about $2800, so it would leave the median household about

(Medford here. It’s not so bad). But I think we forget about what America really looks like away from the coasts. I was in Ohio and Michigan earlier this year and my jaw just stayed on the floor because of the cost of things. Like, half the price. Like, $5 drinks and ultra-cheap lodging. Would I move? Probably not,

I’ve been fucked by Fung Wah and Lucky Star more than once, in my day. These days I drive, because there’s nothing worse than being stuck on the side of the road in Fairfield for some inscrutable reason that your driver won’t or can’t explain to you.

That’s the way of the future whether or not you do this Christie, you dumb fuck. It’s happening. In the meantime, pay people a living wage.


Every time I visit New York I talk to my friends about how cool it would be to move there, and every time I am quietly relieved to leave after the weekend because holy hell does that place sap your wallet if you don’t make New York money.

Hello, friend. I’d like to introduce a new word to you. Are you ready? The word is: irony.

He totally is that spinster aunt you hated having to visit as a kid because the only tv she’d watch was the Christian channel and she cared very much that you actually be seated quietly on the couch where she could keep an eye on you.


Counterpoint: PLEASE go to Breitbart and troll the fuck out of them. I wonder how long it would take those idiots to notice.

I think everyone should just come to the concourse and make it New Gawker.

I just got followed by a bunch of blogs and subs (curiously, Jez was not among them). I think the Univisionification has begun, with this new Kinja update.

I instantly thought of a newer Volvo wagon/crossover. Spec it as closely as possible to what he wants, but he won’t get everything because that list is stupid. Many of the features he seeks come bundled:

I’m not seriously advocating this; no one should host the Olympics. I think one of these cycles no one should put in a bid, to show the IOC that the world is collectively tired of their bullshit. But why have a Long Island games and not call them the New York games?

This. I’ve only done one trip in the last two years with legs longer than 300 mi, and I stopped to eat and stretch my legs when refueling anyway. I’d lose maybe half an hour each way on that trip driving an EV. If you’re routinely having to drive more than 300 miles at a time, I’m sorry. For most people most of the

I mean at that point just call it New York and use the whole tri-state. You’d have the Meadowlands, MSG and Barclays, Yankee Stadium, everything at Flushing. The works. Beach volleyball at any of the beaches, the marathon along the NYC Marathon course. The list goes on.

So unfair for people to not forget the thing that he did, especially now that he has all this attention. He tries not to think about it, why can’t we all do the same?

Looks like a giant Lexus RX to me. (Which I guess is a Venza/Camry)

Hello from (mostly) Gawker. Jez is the best remaining blog so I guess I live here now. I’m sorry I don’t know anything about RHoNY but I’m sure I can learn!